haha, too naive, too simple!!

來源: 注冊名 2010-12-07 12:32:21 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (25345 bytes)

還沒弄明白就High了?如獲至寶了?too simple, toooooo naive:))



真相: 這個流言來源於一個名叫“盆景貓”的網站(Bonsai Kitten.com[1],是麻省理工大學(MIT)的一群研究生搗鼓出來的,介紹了盆景貓的基本情況、製作方法、同時出售或代為製作。在2000年的1220日被crule.com網站推薦為“每日另類站點”(Cruel Site of the Day)以後,“盆景貓”被推上了風頭浪尖。因為被認為是對貓咪的虐待行為,譴責怒罵潮水般湧來,關於“盆景貓”的郵件在網絡上瘋狂散布,西方各國媒體和網絡都廣泛報道了這個事件,動物保護主義的機構和個人紛紛活動起來,人道協會(Humane Society of the United States)、當地的執法部門、聯邦調查局(FBI) 都進行了調查。  


Bonsai Kitten網站的創建者的原意是想諷刺“那些把自然視為商品的人”,“通過激怒這些偽善的人來羞辱他們,而理解這些意圖的人,將看到一場好戲”,無疑這些原始的意圖都實現了,甚至比想象中的效果更好。但出乎意料的是,很多的人竟然相信這件事是真的,以至於動物保護機構都被牽扯進來。[2]  


這個流言為什麽會和日本人扯上關係呢?在Bonsai Kitten網站上的介紹,提到日本盆栽(Japanese Bonsai),隨後的轉載郵件裏就演化成“在紐約,有一個日本人在賣盆景貓”(In New York there is a Japanese who sells bonsai kittens)。在日本,確實有培養方形西瓜的實例。加上想象力,類似的方法運用在貓身上也就顯得順理成章。 

結論:謠言破除。 現實中沒有貓咪被虐待,被製作成盆景貓,整個事件隻是始於網絡、限於網絡的一個惡作劇。 

影響: 實際上,發展到最後,“盆景貓”事件已經從單純的動物保護,演變成關於言論自由的大討論。美國的動物保護組織,認為“盆景貓”網站公開宣傳殘害動物,要求政府關閉該網站。支持者則認為“盆景貓”網站僅僅發表了惡作劇言論,不能以言治罪,如果強製關閉該網站,侵犯了受到美國憲法第一修正案保護的言論自由權。爭論的最後,似乎言論自由略占上風,現在“盆景貓”網站的幾個鏡像站還能訪問。 

在人們認識到這隻是一個玩笑以後,關於“盆景貓”的話題少了,但是作為轟動一時的話題,在以後的歲月裏,還是會時不時拿出來調侃一下。2006年的Worth 1000的改圖大賽冠軍就是一副關於“盆景貓”的PS圖,在Rathergood.com製作的搞笑網絡歌曲“The Internet is Made of Cats [3]裏也拿“盆景貓”調侃了一番。



[1] Bonsai Kitten網站

[2] the creators ‘s opinion in an interview

[3] The Internet is Made of Cats

Bonsai Kitten

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japanese White Pine, 1625-2001 (similar effects were said by the website to be achievable in kittens).Bonsai Kitten was a satirical website which purportedly contained instructions on how to grow a kitten in a jar, so as to mold the bones of the kitten into the shape of the jar as the cat grew. It was made by a university student going by the alias of Dr. Michael Wong Chang. The website generated furor after members of the public complained to animal rights organizations, who stated that "whilst the sites content may be faked, the issue it is campaigning for may create violence towards animals", according to the Michigan Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). Although the website in its most recent form was shut down, it still generates (primarily spam) petitions to shut the site down or complain to its ISP. The website has been thoroughly debunked by Snopes.com and the Humane Society of the United States, among other prominent organizations.

BonsaiKitten.com is mirrored by many sites today, for example rotten.com and ding.com. The nature of the site is such that BonsaiKitten.com was put forward as real, with many animal rights activists still taking issue with the context of the website. Reportedly, petitions for removal of the BonsaiKitten.com web address are more widespread in foreign countries, where English is spoken as a second language, and therefore, people may only see the content of the website's photos, which, in its most up-to-date format, consists of several photographs of a kitten inside of a jar.

[edit] Start of the website

On October 30, 2000, BonsaiKitten.com was a focal "Cruel Site of the Day" on the website Cruel.com. When this attracted complaints, Cruel.com removed its links to BonsaiKitten.com. Afterwards, however, when links to the BonsaiKitten.com website then spread across the world, many concerned animal lovers sent complaints to the Humane Society of the United States. The Humane Society made a statement that Bonsai Kittens were not real. The URL drew criticism, which caused the initial host MIT to remove it.[1]


別謙虛,咱隻知道就事論事,不可 -注冊名- 給 注冊名 發送悄悄話 注冊名 的博客首頁 (139 bytes) () 12/07/2010 postreply 12:59:12

還要狡辯?歎為觀止! -注冊名- 給 注冊名 發送悄悄話 注冊名 的博客首頁 (87 bytes) () 12/07/2010 postreply 13:19:50

那你先好好說話:請解釋一下什麽是盆景寵物?誰發明的?在哪兒?你貼的圖片根據是什麽?謝謝! -注冊名- 給 注冊名 發送悄悄話 注冊名 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2010 postreply 13:35:47

那就是說,你所提供的圖片完全是捏造,所謂盆景寵物也是捏造! -注冊名- 給 注冊名 發送悄悄話 注冊名 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2010 postreply 13:51:16

回複:whatever -注冊名- 給 注冊名 發送悄悄話 注冊名 的博客首頁 (312 bytes) () 12/07/2010 postreply 14:03:38



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