"看看現在中國的貪官、包二奶的大款、成天吃吃喝喝,玩命打麻將的有錢人不都是你們50後嗎" - very true!
I have a story that I met a girl who is born in 1979(80後), her parents are generation of 50後, a kindergarden teacher and a middle-school teacher; they educate their daughter well and she went to Berkeley from mainland China.
However, she dumped her 'boyfriend No.4' - that time she was only around 22 - quickly married a USA white boy who is her coworker in lab. All these are suggested and even instructed by her parents, tell her 'youth is her value and her good-shaped body is also her value!".
of course, No. 4 boyfriend sleep with her before she married others.
Observe those 80後 kids vs 50後 adults in China, one can think about it!
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07/17/2010 postreply