朝鮮戰爭 自1953-7-27停火協定簽署,已過去 66年了
被美國史學家稱之為 unfinished, forgotten, unknown war 之戰.
這本來是一場可避免 ,可不發生,中國不必參與,美軍無法介入的戰爭。
1951-4-11 在忍無可忍的氣憤中,美總統杜魯門幹巴利脆地把韓戰美軍聯軍統帥 麥克阿瑟給擼了個精光。
在1951-5-15的聽證會上,時任韓戰美軍聯軍統帥 克拉克被質詢提問,
他發表了 代表 美三軍總長(其實也代表美國總統)對韓戰策略的答辯,
提出了至今尚著名的 4個 wrongs, 四個錯,
this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.
此話用了 would, 沒用 did had, 但這在語法上是虛擬,在實際上是現實的
除了最初幾天,美軍打了近10個月,知道是誰在與美軍對抗, 不是金將軍的朝鮮軍。
這個 enemy 敵人是已經選錯了打錯了(不是還沒打),
國情,輿論, 實力,都不允許。
【美三軍總長 五星上將 布萊德雷 著名的 4 Wrongs】
毛澤東不得不痛下決心 抗美援朝 保家衛國 出兵韓戰
這個決斷是艱難的,代價是沉重的,但是 是正確的英明的不二決擇。
至今 還有人議論 朝鮮戰爭 韓戰 誰輸誰贏了
還有幾隻蒼蠅嗡嗡 美國打敗了中國,中國不得不乞求與美國停火,雲雲。
現將 美軍聯軍總司令 馬克-克拉克 4星上將的結論 告知大家
可以不信, 可以質疑, 可以反對, 可以否定,可以把腦袋埋入沙堆裏,也可以再狺狺狂吠幾聲。
【鵝滴 上述按語】
聯合國軍總司令 美國的克拉克將軍 在聯軍總部 簽署朝鮮停火協定 (二簽)
General Mark Clark signing the Korean War Armistice, 27 Jul 1953 |
General Mark Clark signing the Korean War Armistice, 27 Jul 1953 |
During the Korean War, he took over as commander of the United Nations Command on May 12, 1952, succeeding General Matthew Ridgway, a close friend and a fellow graduate of the West Point class of 1917.
我成為美軍曆史上第一位不光彩的簽署一場沒打贏戰爭的停火協定的 司令官
(這裏 是 without victory, 另處 是 did not win)
As quoted by Max Hastings, one young returning GI said to his wife, “I couldn't accept the fact that we hadn't won, that we couldn't beat the Communists.
我們沒打贏, 我們打不過共產黨人
Clark commanded UN forces in Korea until the armistice was signed on July 27, 1953 and retired from the Army on October 31 of the same year.
韓戰老兵,以親身經曆撰寫的 此書: 朝鮮 我們的第一次敗仗
Bevin Alexander (born 17 February 1929 in Gastonia, North Carolina, United States)
is an American military historian and author. He served as an officer during the Korean War
as part of the 5th Historical Detachment. His book Korea:
The First War We Lostwas largely influenced by his experiences during the war.
Photo: UN delegate Lieut. Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr. (seated left), and Korean People’s Army and Chinese People’s Volunteers delegate Gen. Nam Il (seated right) signing the Korean War armistice agreement at P’anmunj?m, Korea, 27 July 1953. Credit: F. Kazukaitis, U.S. Department of Defense; Wikimedia Commons.
這是在 板門店 哈裏森將軍 和 南日將軍 簽署停火協定(首簽)
After 24 months and 17 days of secret, difficult negotiations – during a war that lasted 37 months – an armistice was signed on 27 July 1953, finally halting the fighting in the Korean War.