韓國瑜cannot change the pace of reunification of the Mainland

來源: panlm_ 2019-04-09 19:05:42 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (719 bytes)
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回答: 李毅:今後十年台海可能風平浪靜李毅2019-04-09 18:03:44

and Taiwan, just as he pointed out that the CCP shall not change the determination to reunite the Mainland China and Taiwan, and that Taiwanese shall not give up their determination of seeking freedom and democracy. This seems conflicted but is not at all. As suggested by this post, most of the Taiwanese are unfavorable for reunion of the nation, but prefer the current status of separation that is thought to be untolarated forever by the people in the Mainland.

Therefore, it has to reach a very unfortunate conclusion that only way of reuniting the nation is by using force, or continuing the civil war until it completely ends. Nobody is willing to see such a sad disaster but this is it.



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