習近平需要一個功業. Who should pay/sacrifice for this?

習近平需要一個功業. Who should pay? Who should die for this?

In 1989, Li Peng claimed that his power is from the heads of millions of Chinese. He meant that one needs more heads to sacifice if he/she wants the power from Li Peng.

習近平can send his daughter and Li Peng's family members to the front to fight for his ambition. If you want to contribute, maybe you can send your family members to fight too.

After Feb 25 2018, I already asked my nephew not to join PLA. So I don't want my family members to sacrifice for Xi Jinping's ambition.

If Xi Jinping collapses or is dead, it will be fine since China is still there. 



Cheflee可以以身殉道,scarifies himself -大司空- 給 大司空 發送悄悄話 (169 bytes) () 01/03/2019 postreply 07:47:59
