1. 台灣自甲午戰爭之後,日本拿著從中國大陸攫取的幾億兩白銀的一部分,當作日本領土經營了50年,這篇論文裏有論述了這段經營的結果。
http://www.econ.yale.edu/~granis/papers/Taiwans-success.pdf, 我僅摘錄其中片尾總結的第一段:As we have been able to explain Taiwan's success in terms of the existence of favourable initial conditions and the subsequent implementation, over time, of appropriate policy responses, there is no sense in which its experience need be described as a 'miracle'. The main initial ingredients included a Japanese colonial heritage that provided land reform early on, and highlighted the importance of the provision of physical and institutional infrastructure in rural areas. Other key aspects were the establishment of farmers' associations and agricultural research institutes, and early emphasis on primary education and literacy.