中國已經開始停止向日本出口稀土, 接下去的動作會一波再一波。
The Chinese export halt is likely to prompt particular alarm in Japan, which has few natural resources and has long worried about its dependence on imports. The United States was the main supplier of oil to Japan in the 1930s, and the imposition of an American oil embargo on Japan in 1941, in an effort to curb Japanese military expansionism, has been cited by some historians as one of the reasons that Japan subsequently attacked Pearl Harbor.
請那些所謂的“民煮人士”, 不懂就別亂放炮。 中國幸好沒有落在你們這種不懂裝懂的人手裏。
去看看今天的紐約時報, 中國出手了。
本帖於 2011-01-08 08:16:39 時間, 由超管 論壇管理 編輯
• 鐵杆保釣的馬淫久和卡拉楊這次不知道去哪裏了? -老流氓- ♂ (477 bytes) () 09/23/2010 postreply 06:26:42