CNN's Amanpour interviews Taiwan President Ma CNN專訪馬英九 part 1/2
CNN's Amanpour interviews Taiwan President Ma CNN專訪馬英九 part 2/2:
Check 3:00 to 3:30, 馬英九說:“We didn't ask US to get involved in the warfare with mainland China ”
Check 5:45 to 6:30, in 6:20 to 6:30 馬英九說:“we will purchase arms from the United States, but we (馬猶豫停頓了一下) , YOU never ask the Americans to fight for Taiwan,"
再請看 CNN News 的 :
(CNN) -- Taiwan will never ask the United States to fight against China on its behalf, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said in a CNN interview.
"We will continue to reduce the risks so that we will purchase arms from the United States, but we will never ask the Americans to fight for Taiwan," Ma told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in an exclusive interview that aired Friday. "This is something that is very, very clear."
馬英九是說過去沒有,現在不會要求美國人為台灣而戰,還為將來預留了一些模糊空間。並不像CNN解釋的那樣一棍子打死 we will never ask.
CNN's Amanpour 專訪馬英九 (視頻),馬英九原話分析
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05/03/2010 postreply
馬英九原話 you never ask, CNN注解: we will never ask
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05/03/2010 postreply