Communist China is a brutal regime which seems bent on dominating all of Asia. They pirate our movies, attack our computers, and support our enemies. Why do we buy their products???
If China continues to allow N. Korea to possess nuclear arms, WE should put nukes on Taiwan.
醒醒吧, 台灣! 看看美國老百姓打算怎麽報複中國抗議對台售武
• 回複:醒醒吧, 台灣! 看看美國老百姓打算怎麽報複中國抗議對台售武 -docpost- ♂ (75 bytes) () 02/01/2010 postreply 11:27:52
• 回複:回複:醒醒吧, 台灣! 看看美國老百姓打算怎麽報複中國抗議對台售武 -馬裏蘭- ♂ (216 bytes) () 02/01/2010 postreply 13:07:19
• all cnn's BS! haters always have executes to hate, pathetic !!! -taiwanpeople- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/01/2010 postreply 11:53:06