Mainland needs guts, Taiwen needs wisdom

來源: mkthinker 2009-09-07 15:09:44 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (604 bytes)
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Mainland, wake up and not be under illutions. No amount of political concessions and economic benefits will bring Taiwen's heart close to ours if we don't show our determinations -- let them know what is the boundaries of their behaviours.
Taiwen, if something terrible happen, it is you who get destroyed -- so play by the rules and we are not responsible for your disappearence.

Hu, please behave like a MAN.

Ma, being smart a bit more -- although you ar still growing up at least regarding intelligence.

All people in mainland hava the guts. What about taiwen's wisdom?


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