An interesting conversation between Hu and Ma

本帖於 2011-01-08 08:16:39 時間, 由超管 論壇管理 編輯

Ma : recognise Taiwen's sovereignty first then unification.
Hu : by the time to talk about unification, you already stepped down.
Ma; DPP will carry on my lagacy and unify with mainland
Hu: possible? they seems ...
Ma: Of course yes.
Hu: Do you think I will believe that? If yes, Why?
Ma: Yes. Because you are stupid in this regard.
Hu: But why are you guys always say that I am so clever.
Ma: To make mainland's people believe your stupid decision is best for them.
Hu: you and DPP are not emenies? you both are allies?
Ma: Yes, but we are still competing with each other.
Hu: Competing?
Ma: Yes, to see who is first to steal Taiwen's sovereignty from you, Mr. Hu.
Hu: I thought you all love my theory of homony, including homony between two sides of Straits.
Ma: Yes, we do - we got sovereigty first then shake hands with you or even give you hug if you prefer.
Hu: that is dishonest, it'nt is?
Ma: That is called smart on my port.
Hu: how about my port.
Ma: Stupid again(laugh then looks sincerely). But there are still things you can do.
Hu: like what?
Ma: teach your people to be homonious with Republic of Taiwen.
Hu: And offer economic assistances to cover your incompetence of running your economy?
Ma: Supprisingly, you getting smarter and so quickly!
Hu: I feel really shamed.
Ma: I am supprised this time.
Ma: I really cannot find a way to be homonious with *****s.
Ma: *****s?
Hu: Yes, like you!
Ma: Wrong again! I am just deceptive but definitely not an *****.
Hu: so a deceptive *****?
Ma: flattering!
Hu: ... (to be continued)
