來源: hls812 2009-02-28 17:35:53 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1214 bytes)
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US selling $billions dangeroue weapons to TAIWAN. All US - CHINA
military relation was broken.

Recently the US said, "Let's talk!"
CHINA: , no talk.
US: Please talk!
CHINA: What do you want to talk?
US: About your military budget.
CHINA: Military budget? . No talk. Bye!"

Next day,
US: Let's talk, please, please!
CHINA: No talk. !
US: Puleeeseee! Let's talk.
CHINA: OK, what the you want to talk about?
US: About joint anti terrorist cooperation.
CHINA: But you are the TERRORIST!
US: No, the Muslims are!
CHINA: The MUSLIMS are friends. You no oil to sell to us. You owe us
plenty money, no? You sell weapons intending to kill us, no? off,
no talk!
You borrow our money to make arms then sell the weapons to Taiwan to
kill us while you make the money without any intention of repaying us.
US: Please, please! We are friends of Hu Jintao. Let's talk.
CHINA: You no sell arms, we talk. Otherwise we no talk.
US: Let's talk about we no sell weapons to Taiwan to kill you. But we
would like to kill you by some other means anyhow. Let's also talk
about what other ways we may murder you.

Interesting talk, isn't it?


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