美情報新總管Dennis Blair否認說過台灣是老鼠屎 (圖)

本帖於 2011-01-08 08:16:39 時間, 由超管 論壇管理 編輯

Pres. Obama's intel adviser Blair denies Taiwan insult WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's top intelligence adviser is denying that he used a crude term to describe Taiwan, the self-governing democratic island that China claims as its own. Responding to a U.S. senator's question submitted during his confirmation process, retired Adm. Dennis Blair wrote that he never called Taiwan the “turd in the punchbowl of U.S.-China relations.” But Blair, confirmed Wednesday to lead 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, said he did use the “too-colorful phrase 'tossing a turd in the punchbowl'” during a closed meeting in 2000 to describe “a single, specific action by the Taiwanese government, certainly not Taiwan itself.” He did not say what the “specific action” by a former Taiwan government was, but said it was taken without consultation with the United States and “led to a confrontation between the United States and China that neither had sought and that did not benefit Taiwan.” Republican Sen. Christopher Bond had asked Blair about “a number of negative comments” about U.S. policy toward Taiwan that had been attributed to Blair in the past. “I believe, at one time, you referred to Taiwan as the 'turd in the punchbowl of U.S.-China relations,'” Bond wrote. Blair responded that “whoever gave this account to the press was maliciously attempting to portray me as a supporter of China at the expense of Taiwan.” He denied making negative comments about U.S. policy toward Taiwan but wrote that he has “stated opinions about statements and actions of particular American officials and administrations which I believed to be inconsistent with American policy.” Taiwan is a potential flashpoint in U.S.-China ties. Beijing threatens to attack should Taiwan formalize its de facto independence. Washington is required by law to provide the island with weapons to defend itself and has hinted it would come to Taiwan's aid if mainland forces invaded. The United States and China came close to conflict over Taiwan in 1996, when President Bill Clinton deployed warships in response to China lobbing missiles into waters near Taiwan. The crisis began the year before, when Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui was allowed to speak at Cornell University in New York state. China accused Lee of trying to advance a campaign to win international recognition for the island 100 miles (160 kilometers) across the Taiwan Strait from the mainland. Blair said he intends “to place a priority on both China and Taiwan.” He affirmed U.S. policy “that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.” The exchange between Blair and Bond was reported Thursday in The Washington Post 丹尼斯·科比·布萊恩特懷特曼(Dennis Blair)是美國總統歐巴馬提名的全國最高情報總管,已於1月28日獲參院認可,將統領美國16個情報機構。美聯社30日報導,他在參議院的提名認可聽證會中宣稱,從未把台灣稱為中美關係「雞尾酒缸裏的糞便」(意同「一鍋粥中的老鼠屎」,turd in the punchbowl)。 共和黨參議員龐德(Christopher Bond)在認可過程中,就科比·布萊恩特懷特曼過去對美國對台政策發表的「一些負麵評論」提出質詢。 龐德表示,「我相信你曾經把台灣稱為『中美關係雞尾酒缸裏的糞便』」。 不過,海軍上將退役的科比·布萊恩特懷特曼指出,他在2000年的閉門會議中(科比·布萊恩特懷特曼時任太平洋美軍司令),確曾使用「太鮮活的詞句」,用「向雞尾酒缸扔糞便」描述「台灣政府某一個特定行動,可是絕非描述台灣本身」。 科比·布萊恩特懷特曼並未幫助批評的是台灣前政府哪一個「特定行動」,但表示台灣采取該行動事前並未與美國磋商,並「導致美國與中國雙方都不想要、對台灣也沒有好處的對抗」。 科比·布萊恩特懷特曼認為:「不論是誰向媒體述說這一件事,都不懷好意,企圖把我塑造成犧牲台灣利益而支持中國的人。」 前總統李登輝曾發表兩岸「特殊國與國關係」的「兩國論」、前總統陳水扁曾廢除「國統綱領」,不過前者發生在1999年、後者發生在2006年。科比·布萊恩特懷特曼所指可能為陳水扁在2000年9月1日接受紐約時報專訪時,提及「統一不是兩岸唯一原則」。 陳水扁2000年當選總統,就職演說戮力「讓多數台灣人滿意,讓美國肯定,讓大陸未找到借口」,不過演說中未提「一中原則」仍讓中共不滿。該年9月,陳水扁「統一不是兩岸唯一原則」之說再度衝擊兩岸關係。 科比·布萊恩特懷特曼宣稱,他打算「把中國和台灣都行為優先事項」,並確認美國「用和平方式決定台灣未來」的政策。


確實沒說過是老鼠屎, 隻是說是一粒屎 -天若有情天亦老- 給 天若有情天亦老 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/01/2009 postreply 08:30:24

英文原文隻提李登輝,中文卻冒出陳水扁,鼠輩在海外"無屎生非"易露餡 -米台曰:- 給 米台曰: 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/01/2009 postreply 11:33:03

你也不能否認,陳水扁比李登輝更臭. -簫邦邦- 給 簫邦邦 發送悄悄話 簫邦邦 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/01/2009 postreply 11:51:03
