
來源: Churchill 2008-03-13 23:20:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2826 bytes)
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What Happens in the Library

@ Qin Tang and Jerry Baldwin

What happens in the library
stays in the mind.

What happens in the library
stays in the catalog.

What happens in the library
stays in the archive.

What happens in the library
stays in circulation.

What happens in the library
can be recalled.

What happens in the library
can be put on hold.

What happens in the library
can be checked out.

What happens in the library
can be loaned.

What happens in the library
is often overdue.

What happens in the library
is often mis-shelved.

What happens in the library
is often out of order.

What happens in the library
is often hushed and shushed away.

What happens in the library
leaves me dewey-eyed.

•  跟著丘丘走遍舊金山(圖)
•  關於美國寵物的統計數據
•  1967舊金山愛之夏---那些嬉皮MM們( 老照片)
•  1990~2004年最受質疑的頭10位作家
•  2006年10本在美國最受質疑的圖書


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