
回答: 猜猜這是誰寫的:))SomewhereOverRainbow2008-02-19 20:13:47

不知道並不奇怪. 我們熟悉的都是早期翻譯過來中文版詩歌.


泰戈爾,因>獲得1913年NOBEL文學獎.創作有詩歌,小說,劇作,故事和歌曲.他的詩集有>, >,>等.60歲開始學畫, 並成功地在巴黎舉行過畫展.

(This two short poems are excerpts from 'The Gardener'園丁集)

The Gardener- 1

When I go alone at night to my love-tryst,
birds do not sing, the wind does not stir,
the houses on both sides pf the street stand silent.

It is my own anklets that grow lous at
every step and I am ashamed.

When I sit on my balcony and listen to his footsteps,
leaves do not rustle on the trees, and the waster
is still in the river like the sword on the
knees of a sentry fallen asleep.

It is my own heart that beats wildly -
I do not know how to quiet it.

When my love comes and sits by my side,
when my body trembles and my eyelids droop,
the night darkens, the winds blow out the lamp,
and the clouds draw veils over the stars.

It is the jewel at my own breast that shines
and gives light. I do not know how to hide it."

The Gardener 2

If you would have it so,
I will end my singing.

If it sets your heart aflutter,
I will take away my eyes from your face.

If it suddenly startles you in your walk,
I will step aside and take another path.

If it confuses you in your flower-weaving,
I will shun your lonely garden.

If it makes the water wanton and wild,
I will not row my boat by your bank.

(These three poems are from 'The Crescent Moon' 新月集by Tagore, 1913)

"My Song"

This song of mine will wind its music around you,
my child, like the fond arms of love.

The song of mine will touch your forehead
like a kiss of blessing.

When you are alone it will sit by your side and
whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd
it will fence you about with aloofness.

My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
it will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.

It will be like the faithful star overhead
when dark night is over your road.

My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes,
and will carry your sight into the heart of things.

And when my voice is silenced in death,
my song will speak in your living heart.

"The First Jasmines"

AH, these jasmines, these white jasmines!
I seem to remember the first day when I filled my hands
with these jasmines, these white jasmines.

I have loved the sunlight, the sky and the green earth;
I have heard the liquid murmur of the river
through the darkness of midnight;
Autumn sunsets have come to me at the bend of the road
in the lonely waste, like a bride raising her veil
to accept her lover.
Yet my memory is still sweet with the first white jasmines
that I held in my hands when I was a child.

Many a glad day has come in my life,
and I have laughed with merrymakers on festival nights.

On grey mornings of rain
I have crooned many an idle song.

I have worn round my neck the evening wreath of
BAKULAS woven by the hand of love.

Yet my heart is sweet with the memory of the first fresh jasmines
that filled my hands when I was a child.


If I were only a little puppy, not your baby, mother dear,
would you say "No" to me if I tried to eat from your dish?

Would you drive me off, saying to me,
"Go away, you naughty little puppy"?

Then go, mother, go! I will never come to you when you call me,
and I never let you feed me any more.

If I were only a little green parrot, and not your baby,
mother dear, would you keep me chained lest I should fly away?

Would you shake your finger at me and say,
"What an ungrateful wrertch of a bird!
It is gnawing at its chain day and night"?

Then go, mother, go! I will run away into the woods;
I will never let you take me in your arms again.


"Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This
frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.

This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new.

At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.

Thy infinite gifts come to me only on these very small hands of mine. Ages pass, and still thou pourest, and still there is room to fill."

"When thou commandest me to sing, it seems that my heart would break with pride; and I look to thy face, and tears come to my eyes.

All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony- and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on its flight across the sea.

I know thou takest pleasure in my singing. I know that only as a singer I come before thy presence.

I touch by the edge of the far-spreading wing of my song thy feet which I could never aspire to reach.

Drunk with joy of singing I forget myself and call thee friend who art my Lord".

吉檀迦利 冰心譯

1 請容我懈怠一會兒,來坐在你的身旁.我手邊的工作等一下子再去完成.




2 我旅行的時間很長,旅途也是很長的.






3 我要唱的歌,直到今天還沒有唱出.





4 我接到這世界節日的請柬,我的生命受了祝福.我的眼睛看見了美麗的景象,我的耳朵也聽見了醉人的音樂.



5 我隻等候著愛,要最終把我交在他手裏.這是我遲誤的原因,我對這延誤負咎.

他們要用法律和規章,來緊緊地約束我;但是我總是躲著他們, 因為我隻等候著愛,要最終把我交在他手裏.



6 雲霾堆積,黑暗漸深.嗬,愛,你為什麽讓我獨在門外等候?



7 若是你不說話,我就含忍著,以你的沉默來填滿我的心.我要沉靜地等候,像黑夜在星光中無眠,忍耐地低首.



8 蓮花開放的那天,唉,我不自覺地心魂飄蕩.我的花籃空著,花兒我也沒有去理睬.



