英語名著簡介:【Gone With The Wind】

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Author               Margaret Mitchell
Country             United States of America
Language           English
Genre(s)            Historical novel
Publisher           Macmillan Publishers
Released           June 30, 1936
Media type        Print (hardcover and paperback)
Pages                1037 (first edition)1024 (Warner Books paperback)
ISBN                 ISBN 0-446-36538-6 (Warner)

American novel by Margaret Mitchell, was published in 1936 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. It was the only book that Margaret Mitchell published in her lifetime, but it became one of the best selling American novels of the 20th century.>


The title is taken from the first line of the third stanza of the poem Non sum qualís eram bonae sub regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson: "I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind." The title phrase also appears in the novel: When Scarlett of French-Irish ancestry escapes the bombardment of Atlanta by Northern forces, she flees back to her family's plantation, Tara. At one point, she wonders, "Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia?" [page 390].

Plot summary

Mitchell's work relates the story of a rebellious Georgia Southern belle named Scarlett O'Hara and her experiences with friends, family, lovers, and enemies in the South during the antebellum period, the American Civil War, and the Reconstruction era.


1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作, 為之戰鬥, 為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恒的東西)

2.I wish I could be more like you.(我要像你一樣就好了)

3.Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.(無論發生什麽事,我都會像現在一樣愛你,直到永遠)

4.I think it’s hard winning a war with words.(我認為紙上談兵沒什麽作用)

5.Sir, you’re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.(先生,你可真不是個君子,小姐,你也不是什麽淑女)

6.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.(哪怕是世界末日我都會愛著你)

7.I love you more than I’ve ever loved any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve waited for any woman.

9.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.(現在我發現自己活在一個比死還要痛苦的世界,一個無我容身之處的世界)

10.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.(你把自己的幸福拱手相讓,去追求一些根本不會讓你幸福的東西)

11.Home. I’ll go home. And I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.(家,我要回家.我要想辦法讓他回來.不管怎樣,明天又是全新的一天)

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Part One

Chapters I to VII

The novel opens at Tara, the O'Haras' plantation in Georgia, with Scarlett O'Hara flirting ildly with Brent and Stuart Tarleton, twin brothers who live on a nearby plantation. Amidst the chatter, the pair tell Scarlett that Ashley Wilkes, the man Scarlett secretly loves, and his cousin Melanie Hamilton, a plain and gentle lady from Atlanta, are to be married. Shocked, Scarlett sits in silence until the two leave, without inviting them to dinner. Ignoring her mammy's cautions against the cold, Scarlett goes to meet her father to confirm the news.

After discovering the truth of the engagement, Scarlett is miserable, but realizes that Ashley has no idea that she's in love with him. She plans to make Ashley jealous by surrounding herself with boys in love with her at the barbecue the next day at the Wilkes plantation of Twelve Oaks, and then afterwards admit to him that she prefers him above all others. Among the fawning gentlemen is shy Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother, and Frank Kennedy, her sister Suellen's beau. Things do not go according to plan; when she finds Ashley later, he tells her that though he loves her, he will still marry Melanie. The unreceived Rhett Butler, hidden behind a couch during the emotional scene, sees Scarlett throw a vase across the room in anger after Ashley leaves, and is impressed by her fire. Charles Hamilton, himself in love with Scarlett, proposes later in the evening, and to hurt Ashley she accepts, to the great distress of Ashley's sister Honey Wilkes, who, it was generally understood, was intended for Charles, just as Melanie was intended for Ashley.

Overall, the barbecue presents an idyllic view of the antebellum South, with its well-organized plantations, content slaves, and benevolent masters. Tension is on the horizon, however, as the men at the barbecue discuss war, and all are greatly in support of it, with the exception of Rhett Butler, who thinks it's folly.

Both couples marry within two weeks, with Scarlett bitterly regretting her decision, but receiving a warm welcome from Melanie, who now considers Scarlett to be her sister. Two months later, after going away to war, Charles dies of the measles, confirming in Scarlett's opinion his unheroic weakness. Once a girl who loved balls and dances and boys, Scarlett is relegated to the very strict, sombre, and prolonged mourning rituals of the day, consisting of black dresses and veils for years, and living a quiet life at home, rarely venturing out. She is more distressed over her boredom than at Charles' death, but her mother, believing Scarlett to be pining away from a broken heart, sends her to Atlanta, to Charles' elderly maiden Aunt Pittypat and Melanie, in an attempt to raise her spirits. She also has a son who was named after Charles' commanding officer, as is custom, Wade Hampton Hamilton.

Part Two

Chapters VIII to XVI

In Atlanta, Scarlett quickly inserts herself into the hustle and bustle of the city. Melanie, whom Scarlett secretly despises for having married Ashley, and for what she sees as her weak, compliant nature, treats Scarlett like a sister and is blind to Scarlett's contempt and jealousy. Later, there is a charity ball in the city to raise funds for the war, which to her misery, Scarlett being in mourning was not supposed to attend. But good fortune favours her and she, along with Melanie and aunt Pittypat, are requested to fill in for someone, and this greatly excites Scarlett as it was her first source of some entertainment in her widowhood. Still Scarlett sulks; her status as a widow prevents her from dancing, which she loves to do. She is relegated to selling things for the Confederate cause, which she does not care about. When a donation basket goes around for jewelry to sell for the Confederacy, Scarlett throws in her wedding ring, seizing upon a way to be rid of it without invoking public censure. Melanie, misconstruing Scarlett's motives, places her (dearly cherished) ring in the basket as well. Rhett Butler slyly observes the scene, just as he senses Scarlett's agitation at not dancing. Later, Dr. Meade announces that the gentlemen must bid for the girl of their choice to be their dance partner in the reel. After several rounds of bidding, Rhett Butler bids 150 dollars in gold (more prized than the shakey Confederate money) for Mrs. Charles Hamilton, and against popular outrage, Scarlett accepts. She gleefully dances all night with Rhett, and the next day Melanie receives her ring back from Rhett, who redeemed it for far more than its face value, along with a kindly note. (Scarlett notes that he didn't return hers as well.) Scarlett believes that he did so only to be allowed into Aunt Pittypat's house, not sensing that, despite any ulterior motives on his part, he is genuinely touched by Melanie's devotion to Ashley, and the pain it cost her to give up her ring. Another letter for Scarlett, from her mother Ellen O'Hara of French ancestry, arrives. Shocked at her behavior at the reel, her father, Irish immigrant Gerald O'Hara, has been sent to Atlanta to upbraid her and take her back to Tara. However, Gerald stays out drinking and gambling all night with Rhett, and when Scarlett discovers that Gerald has lost $500 playing poker, she blackmails her father into letting her stay in Atlanta by claiming she will tell Ellen of his gambling away money he was to use buying provisions from the blockaders, if he forces her back to Tara.

The war continues with Scarlett in Atlanta, and she spends time with Rhett when he calls at the house (he is ostensibly calling on Aunt Pittypat as widows cannot receive male callers), though he infuriates her. Ashley visits for Christmas, and Scarlett jealously watches Melanie give him a beautiful coat of precious grey wool, while all she has for him is a scarf. The day Ashley leaves, Scarlett again reveals her true feelings to him hoping Ashley will also break down and loosen his self control, and allow himself to tell Scarlett that on the inside he loves her too. But Ashley has a more important matter to discuss with Scarlett. He tells her the war is coming to a close and the South is going to fall. The nature of this disaster will place those things which are most dear to him (his wife Melanie and her unborn child) in deadly peril. Because he knows, admires, and even loves the strength of Scarlett, Ashley (relying on Scarlett's love and honor to him) makes Scarlett promise him that she will look after Melanie and see his family through the "home front" crisis that is going to come when the South finally falls. Ashley knows that his first duty is to be with his men at the front so he can't be there to protect his family. Therefore, the safest place for them he can think of is in the hands and care of Scarlett O'Hara. Scarlett loves Ashley so much, and is at this point in her life so much under his spell, that she agrees to his promise. And throughout this and the next section of the novel she never fails to look after the woman and child whom she resents, and who stand squarely in the way of getting the one thing in the world she really wants, Ashley Wilkes. After her promise, Ashley heads for the door, but Scarlett clings to him desperately and they share a passionate kiss goodbye. Scarlett sobs that she loves him, and only married Charles to hurt him. Ashley says nothing, and wrenches himself from her grasp, hurrying from the house and his immoral love for Scarlett...

Part Three

Chapters XVII to XXX

Slowly, the tide of war turns against the South. Atlanta is bombarded constantly. Melanie helps to nurse the injured in overflowing hospitals, and Scarlett reluctantly joins her. Finally, the Yankees begin their march on Atlanta, and the city evacuates. However, Melanie is pregnant, and because Scarlett promised Ashley that she would take care of her, Scarlett is obliged to stay with her through her labor as the Yankees begin their siege. After Melanie gives birth, Scarlett sends her maid, a dimwitted slave named Prissy, for Rhett Butler to come and take them out of Atlanta. Eventually, Rhett shows up with a broken-down horse and carriage that he stole from the army and carts the weakened Melanie, her baby, Wade, Prissy, and Scarlett out of Atlanta. He abandons them on the road back to Tara to fight for the South, even though he knows it's a lost cause and on the point of collapse, but not before giving Scarlett a kiss and telling her that he loves her.

Arriving home at Tara, Scarlett finds the house in ruins, the food gone, the crops burned, most of the slaves run off, her mother dead, her father with dementia, and her two sisters sick with typhoid. Desperate for food, she walks to Twelve Oaks only to find it burned to the ground. Hunting around, she finds some vegetables in the gardens of the slave quarters, but becomes ill when she tries to eat. After she recovers, she swears that once the war is over, she'll never be hungry again, and takes strength from this vow. She grasps the reins of authority and tries to turn the place around. She finds that some of her neighbors were out of the path of the Yankees and they share with her all that they can spare. She forces her family and the slaves to tend fields and pick cotton, which Suellen complains about but her youngest sister Carreen does obligingly. A lone Yankee soldier arrives looking to pillage and possibly rape, and Scarlett shoots him. The still weak Melanie comes running with Charles' sword, which is too heavy for her to lift, and Scarlett feels the beginnings of comradeship with her sister-in-law as the two loot the dead soldier's pockets and knapsack before swearing each other to secrecy about his death. Scarlett buries him in the arbor and tells the family that his horse just wandered in, most likely a stray from a recent battle. Things continue to go well, but just as winter starts to set in the Yankee army sweeps through again to take what they can. The family flees to the swamps with all the food and animals they can, while Scarlett stays in the house with Beau, Melanie's baby, and her own son Wade. The Yankees take everything of value left in the house and set the kitchen on fire. Scarlett tries desperately to beat the fire out with a rug, and Melanie comes back from the swamp to help. Eventually the flames die but Scarlett faints after Melanie hits her across the back to stop the flames from spreading to her dress. Months pass, and they hear the news that the war has ended; the Confederacy is no more. Soldiers begin straggling home, and several die on the porch of Tara while others are given a meal and sent on their way. Melanie insists they help the friendly Yankee soldiers, in hopes that Yankee wives are helping her own hu*****and home. An unconscious soldier named Will Benteen arrives and Careen nurses him back to health. Having nowhere to go, he stays on at Tara, helping with the plowing, and slowly he takes on more responsibility and shifts Scarlett's heavy load onto his own shoulders. Suellen's beau Frank Kennedy asks Scarlett for her opinion on an engagement, and she gives her consent. There is no sign from Ashley, who was in a Yankee prison for the last year of the war. Uncle Peter, Pittypat's loyal former slave, arrives with a letter from Ashley and after months of agonized waiting he is finally seen coming up the long road towards Tara. Melanie runs to him, and Scarlett goes to follow, but is stopped by Will, who says "He's her hu*****and, ain't he?" Sullen and confused, Scarlett hangs back, but is nonetheless euphoric over Ashley's return.

Part Four

Chapters XXXI to XLVII

Tara's former evil Yankee overseer Jonas Wilkerson, newly a Scalawag, raises the taxes on Tara to force the O'Haras out; his new "white trash" wife Emmie Slattery, whom he impregnated, wants to live there. Scarlett conceives of a plan to go to Atlanta to get Rhett give her the money to pay the taxes. She has her always faithful Mammy make her a dress out of Tara's velvet curtains, one of the only original things left in the mansion after the Yankee looting. She finds Rhett in jail, and when he tells her he can't give her the money and marry her, she offers to trade sexual favors, which he also declines, saying he genuinely cannot access the money. Desperate, she sees Frank Kennedy, newly a store-owner, and lies that Suellen is to marry someone else. Frank, saddened by Suellen's supposed defection, and, like all men, unable to resist Scarlett's charms, marries her and gives her the tax money. After Rhett gets out of jail, he goes to make sure Scarlett got the money she needed and lends her more so that she can buy a sawmill, with the promise that she will not use the money to help Ashley Wilkes. Though horrified at her unladylike behavior, Frank cowers whenever she flares up at him when he questions her actions. During this time, Scarlett gets pregnant, and she scrambles to get her monies in order before the birth, earning the ire of the Old Guard by showing herself in public when pregnant, and doing well in business.

While pregnant, Scarlett gets notice that her father Gerald has died. After returning to Tara for the funeral, Scarlett hears from Will that Suellen had tried to get Gerald to betray the Confederacy by signing the Ironclad Oath for money, and realizing this, Gerald flew into a rage, tried to jump a fence with a horse, and broke his neck. The Old Guard despised Suellen for this, but Scarlett agreed with her. Will then spoke at the funeral to prevent the Old Guard from berating Suellen, then announced his intention to marry her, although he had always loved Carreen. Carreen enters a convent instead, as had been her inclination. Scarlett and her sisters exclaim upon how poorly some of their friends are doing following the war—they are gradually turning into "white trash" themselves, unable to keep up their former lifestyles. After the funeral, Scarlett manipulates Ashley into returning to Atlanta with her to run her sawmill, in order to prevent him from leaving for the North to find work. Being dependent on Scarlett and having to do this work ends up breaking Ashley's spirit and his independence. Ashley turns out to be a poor manager, so Scarlett decides to use convicts at the sawmill for labor to save money, a shocking decision.

While driving alone to and from the sawmill, a form of boldness which is frowned upon by her neighbors, Scarlett is assaulted by a poor white man and his black companion, who live in a shantytown in the woods with many other former slaves. Big Sam, her former slave, appears and fights off the attackers. Sam then jumps into Scarlett’s carriage and drives her to safety as she collapses in sobs. To avenge her, Frank, Ashley, and the rest of the local men in the Ku Klux Klan raid the shantytown where Scarlett was jumped. Not knowing this, Scarlett complains to the women sitting with her of Frank's carelessness towards her for going to a "political meeting" after the assault. A group of Yankee soldiers arrive at the house and ask for Ashley, and stand outside to wait for his return. Rhett, having gone after the KKK men, brings Ashley and the rest back, with them seemingly staggering drunk. After claiming that they were at Belle Watling's house (a house of prostitution), Rhett convinces the Yankees to leave, whereupon it is discovered that the gentlemen were feigning drunkenness, and in fact Ashley is injured, and Frank dead. Ashley and Belle give testimony the next morning of their whereabouts the night before. Afterwards, Rhett proposes to Scarlett, wanting to be sure to get her before she marries someone else. Belle stops by Melanie's house in a closed carriage to see how Ashley is doing. Melanie warmly thanks her for saving her hu*****and and promises to recognize Belle in the street. She expresses her intention to call on Belle again in the future, and Belle is scandalized at this "impropriety." Belle is concerned that someone may recognize her carriage and releases Melanie from having to greet her in the future saying that she'll understand.

Part Five

Chapters XLVIII to LXIII

Scarlett marries Rhett Butler and goes to New Orleans for her honeymoon. He comforts her in her nightmares, feeds her rich things, dresses her in expensive gowns, and generally spoils her. The only thing he refuses is to help her help Ashley Wilkes. Scarlett begins spending time with the newly rich Yankees, who are portrayed as having little if any scruples. Scarlett builds a mansion and spends money lavishly. The Old Guard decide to cut Scarlett and Rhett out of society for the company they keep and the actions they have taken. Only Melanie's undying loyalty keeps Scarlett in the fold at all. Scarlett soon learns that she is pregnant and gives birth to a baby, Eugenie Victoria (Bonnie Blue) Butler, whom Rhett promptly claims and begins to spoil hugely. Scarlett hates the change in her figure from the birth and tells Rhett that she, like Melanie, will have no more children—a secret way for her to stay faithful to Ashley.

One day at the mill, Ashley tells Scarlett that he is jealous of Rhett. Believing this to mean that he still loves her, Scarlett decides that she and Rhett will have separate bedrooms. After she tells Rhett, he claims not to care, and she cries herself to sleep while thinking of missing him in her bed. Rejected by Scarlett, Rhett turns to Bonnie and decides that, though Atlanta hates her parents, Bonnie should have everything. So he turns all of his charm on to win Atlanta over to give Bonnie a chance in the Old Guard.

Soon after, Melanie plans to throw a surprise birthday party for Ashley. Scarlett goes to his mill, and the two chat about old times at Twelve Oakes. They hug as friends. However, India Wilkes and Archie see, and as both have suspected Scarlett's feelings for Ashley for a long time, both jump to conclusions and spread the rumor among everyone. Later that night, Rhett, having heard from Archie, forces Scarlett out of bed and to the party, wearing her most shocking clothes. Scarlett goes with dread. But Melanie, as always, stands by Scarlett's side so that all know that she believes the rumor to be false, even asking her to receive guests with her. Melanie is incapable of believing anything bad of Scarlett, her beloved sister-in-law, who saved her life and her son Beau's life amidst the Siege of Atlanta.

Later that night, Scarlett accidentally finds Rhett downstairs, drunk and showing it, as he has never done. Blind with jealousy, he tells Scarlett that he loves her and would kill her to make her forget Ashley. Picking her up, he carries her up the stairs, and, ostensibly, rapes her, although Scarlett does not recognize it as such and believes it, at least initiallly, to be consensual. However, Scarlett wakes up alone, with Rhett staying away because he is horrified at his actions. Two days later, when Rhett returns, they have a very cold reunion. Rhett takes Bonnie on an extended trip abroad. All of Atlanta chooses sides between India and Scarlett, but Melanie fiercely supports Scarlett and rejects India, her hu*****and's sister.

Scarlett discovers that she is pregnant, and for the first time, she is glad. However, when Rhett returns after three months with a cold greeting, she is repulsed and she meets him with equal coldness and tells him she doesn't want the baby. Hurt, Rhett scornfully says, "Cheer up, maybe you'll have a miscarriage." Enraged, Scarlett tries to claw him, falls down the stairs, and actually has a miscarriage. Rhett, frantic with guilt, cries to Melanie about his jealousy but refrains from telling her about Scarlett's true feelings for Ashley, as he knows Melanie would never believe it, or be utterly crushed if she did.

After recovering at Tara, Scarlett is tricked by Rhett into selling the sawmills to Ashley. Rhett spends his time edging Bonnie back into Southern society. However, shortly thereafter, Bonnie dies while trying to jump her horse. Scarlett blames Rhett, and Rhett blames himself, and they refuse to see each other, though Scarlett secretly regrets what she said and desperately wants to see him. She says she will even have another baby to get rid of that look in his eyes.

Scarlett soon receives word that Melanie is dying. Though she was not supposed to have any more children, she became pregnant, and her weak constitution can't handle it. On her deathbed, Melanie tells Scarlett to watch out for Ashley and to be good to Rhett because he loves her so. Scarlett realizes that she never loved Ashley, she only loved the idea of Ashley, the idea of the noble, chivalrous South that he represented. But really she despises his weakness. However, when she tells Rhett this, he replies, "My dear, I don't give a damn," and he says he will leave for Charleston, refusing Scarlett's plea to come along and claiming that he was no longer in love with her. Scarlett cannot think of anything to do at present. Finally, with newly dawned realisation of true love, she goes to bed exhausted, in her characteristic style, to dwell upon her problems the next day. Being her strong self, she calms down and decides to go back to Tara and think of a solution as she still believes that she has the charm to get any man she sets designs upon. The book ends with Scarlett's proclamation: "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          1861年南北戰爭爆發的前夕,塔拉莊園的千金小姐郝思嘉愛上了另一莊園主的兒子艾希利,但艾希利卻選擇了郝思嘉的表妹——溫柔善良的韓媚蘭為終身伴侶。郝思嘉出於妒恨,搶先嫁給了韓媚蘭的弟弟查爾斯。不久,美國南北戰爭爆發了。艾希利和查爾斯作為征兵上了前線。查爾斯很快就在戰爭中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡婦, 但她內心卻一直熱戀著艾希利。







  當郝思嘉趕回家裏告訴白瑞德,她是真正愛他的時候,白瑞德已不再相信她。他決心離開郝思嘉,返回老家去尋找美好的事物,被遺棄的郝思嘉站在濃霧迷漫的院中,想起了父親曾經對她說過的一句話:“世界上唯有土地與明天同在。”她決定守在她的土地上重新創造新的生活,她期盼著美好的明天的到來。(摘自網絡 請點擊閱讀【飄】 )

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頂林MM好貼,圖文並茂。哈哈。 -xyz731- 給 xyz731 發送悄悄話 xyz731 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/30/2007 postreply 16:23:17

xyz731, thank you very much. Good night. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/30/2007 postreply 18:34:57

問候貝卡. -望月明- 給 望月明 發送悄悄話 望月明 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 05:13:29

望月明, how are you doing? Have a nice day. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 06:56:46

百讀不厭的經典! -開心豆豆- 給 開心豆豆 發送悄悄話 開心豆豆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 06:31:11

開心豆豆, it is one of my favorite novels. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 06:57:27

英雄所見略同......嘿嘿..... -開心豆豆- 給 開心豆豆 發送悄悄話 開心豆豆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 15:49:09

Yeah: "Great minds think alike." lol... -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 16:33:32

整理的真好,看完無限感動。謝謝分享啊!:-) -姑娘愛結網- 給 姑娘愛結網 發送悄悄話 姑娘愛結網 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 10:07:45

姑娘愛結網, my pleasure. Have a nice day. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 11:41:59

林MM真費心了,非常好! -曲未平- 給 曲未平 發送悄悄話 曲未平 的博客首頁 (232 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 11:33:21

曲未平, thank you. Have a nice day. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (101 bytes) () 05/31/2007 postreply 11:48:36

Gone With The Wind - 最愛之一, 謝謝分享! -子初- 給 子初 發送悄悄話 子初 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2007 postreply 12:37:13

子初, my pleasure. Have a nice weekend. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2007 postreply 15:58:31
