【布汝斯-艾爾沃德 WHO 談武漢新冠病毒】

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"There is only one drug right now that we think may have real efficacy and that's Remdesivir," 

Bruce Aylward, an assistant director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), said at a press conference in Beijing.
布汝斯-艾爾沃德 醫學博士
加拿大流行病學家 同時供職世衛組織
WHO officials said clinical trials for Remdesivir in humans are now taking place and results should be available within weeks.
艾爾沃德 醫生的這句話,很重要,
即 瑞木岱西維爾。

1,鼓噪 雙黃連液 抗新冠病毒 純屬欺詐和商業犯罪,必須追查!






4,布汝斯說瑞藥是可能唯一真有效藥物,是實話實說,關鍵是限定詞 may 也許換言之,也許沒效。他的話其實是對目前吹噓的其它藥物和亂七八糟的試驗的否定,棒殺的對!我支持。(氯喹等就是瞎哄哄的例子之一,當然也許真有效果的還在路上,路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索 。科研醫學臨床要看實效,不是也不能一蹴而就,得來全不費工夫!)






7,李蘭娟教授說有兩三種藥,體外試驗有抗新冠病毒作用,看後啞然失笑!1,體外效果和人體內差108000裏,2,科學試驗沒這麽無雲就放炮打雷的。等有臨床效果再宣稱什麽,來得及, 慌什麽?3,我有更好的藥物,100%見效,硫酸!強酸,火堿,能用嗎?!笑話!


Dr. Bruce Aylward, 

former Assistant Director-General of the WHO and 
senior advisor to WHO Director-General.

Dr Bruce Aylward received his MD at Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, in Canada in 1985.

So first, what has China done?

In the face of a previously unknown disease, China has taken one of the most ancient approaches for infectious disease control and rolled out probably the most ambitious, and I would say, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history. China took old-fashioned measures, like the national approach to hand-washing, the mask-wearing, the social distancing, the universal temperature monitoring. 
艾爾沃德 對中國的戰疫舉措感悟至深,
But then very quickly, as it started to evolve, the response started to change. And it moved from this sort of one-size-fits-all approach to a science-and-risk-based approach, which was really tailored to allow it to use different containment approaches and measures,depending on the context, the capacity and really the nature of the coronavirus circulation. 
So they refined the strategy as they moved forward, and this is an important aspect as we look to how we might use this going forward.A couple of things have differentiated. The first, they took this old approach and then turbo-charged it with modern science and modern technology in a way that was unimaginable even a few years ago. Just a couple of small examples. 
As they cleared these giant hospitals to make space for overwhelming numbers of COVID-19 cases, they moved a huge amount of the routine provision of medical services onto online platforms and other mechanisms that they’ve really come to a cutting edge with. And when we were in Sichuan, wondering how they were working with the remote areas, they showed us that they have prioritized a roll out of a 5G platform so that they could do real-time contact, support, with investigators in the field, we asked to see it, and in two minutes up on the big screen they pull up an epidemiological investigation team that was in the field, was having problems with something hundreds of kilometers away, and was getting walked through it by the top experts from the province. 
So it brought a lot of attention to understand this strategy, because it’s fundamentally different to the way most people think about approaching a dangerous respiratory pathogen in the modern era.And this brought us to the second issue about how did they make it happen, make the strategy actually translated in impact? 
What they’ve done has only been possible because of tremendous collective commitment and will of the Chinese people from the most bottom-level community leaders we met and talked to, to the governors at the top. It was an extraordinary, what we call all-of-government, all-of-society approach that many of you are feeling because you live here and you operate it. But it is rare to see that.

There was one aspect of this that struck us as particularly important. You’ve been hearing about the challenges we are having with the global supply chain and PPE, and many countries start piling and hoarding this. But what we found out was, even though every province was suffering outbreaks, was getting infected, the governors were prioritizing the movement of medical teams and PPE out to Hubei and Wuhan. That’s a very important method for the rest of the world about how we work in the kind of solidarity and collaborative action that’s going to be needed to beat this virus.So first, understanding the strategy was key, then how it was applied and got to the incredible level of application. 
But the key thing is, of course, has it made a difference? 
Has China made an impact on this virus? That’s the next question.And it’s the opinion of the joint mission, after looking at it very closely and in different ways, that there is no question that China’s bold approach to the rapid spread of  this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of what was a rapidly-escalating and continues to be deadly epidemic.I think one of the most compelling statistics is, when I arrived here on the first day, just over two weeks ago, I don’t remember the day now, I think it’s 9thor 10thof February, anyway, there were 2,478 new cases of COVID-19 being reported every single day, 2,500 new cases being reported every single day when I arrived. 
在北京 WHO-China 有關武漢新冠病毒發布會上
世衛組織薩斯-2 考察團來到中國北京,
前幾天 有幾隻菜鳥嘰嘰喳喳,
另外幾隻 喳喳唧唧,
害怕論,遮掩論,陰謀論,盜竊犯 的
Merdad Parsey, MD, PhD 
Gilead’s Chief Medical Officer, 
美國吉利德藥廠 首席醫務官 帕希
He completed his MD and PhD at the 
University of Maryland, Baltimore, 
               his residency in Internal Medicine at 
Stanford University and his fellowship in Pulmonary and                        Critical Care Medicine at the 
University of Colorado.
He was Assistant Professor of 
Medicine and Director of Critical Care Medicine at the 
New York University School of Medicine.


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