She reminds us 才旦卓瑪, isn't she?

來源: 鄰家玉妹 2009-06-11 14:43:33 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (950 bytes)
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forget the Chap.? in Exodus, where it mentions Slaves & Master -- if Slaves want to stay with their master, it's OK, or if they (he and wife, children), want to leave, then they should be set free.

it does mention, slaves including their wives and children, are properties of(owned by) their master

even if we are not bonded by human structures(-archy), we are still Lord's (God's) slaves for doing right things for His Glory, aren't we?

besides, i have noticed, not everyone would feel comfortable enough to connect with God directly(in Exodus, they actually afraid of talking to God directly for being afraid of punishment, so they would rather let Moses to communicate with God for them), they may need help in learning, doing things in Right Ways, instead.



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