Madonnas of Leningrad 列寧格勒的麥當娜

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Madonnas of Leningrad

I've just finished "Madonnas of Leningrad" in a rush. This is the most depressing book that I have ever read recently. That's why I've finished in a rush because I wanted to escape from that frustrating feeling as soon
as possible.

The protagonist is Marina, a Russian woman who worked in the Hermitage Museum as a tour guide in her 20's. Her student boyfriend Dmitri joined the People's Volunteer Army when Hitler started invading Leningrad ie. Peterborough. He proposed to her the night just before he'd departured with the army.

She and other Hermitage staff took all valuable paintings from frames to protect them from the war. They stayed in the cellar of the museum for 3 months during the German’s 90 day siege, and they suffered from cold and famine, and many people including Marina's uncle and aunt died of malnutrition, and of loss of the meaning of the life.

After the war, Marina found Dmitri in a Germany captive camp. Dmitri could be killed if he returned to the Stalin’s Soviet Union because he was once captured by their enemy. So they disguised themselves as being Polish and then immigrated to the US.
戰爭之後,Marina在德國的俘虜營找到了Dmitri. Dmitri的俘虜身份使得他們不能重返蘇聯,所以他們假稱自己是波蘭人,被準許移民去了美國。

They obviously had a good life there, as their son was a doctor and the daughter worked in the government, but the author omitted this potentially joyous time. Maria suffered Alzheimer’s in her 80's, or to put it more accurately, Dmitri and her daughter and son suffered when they saw their beloved wife and mother becoming more and more lost and absorbed in a world they couldn't understand. However, the author made it clear to readers that Maria actually was reliving the time she stayed in the cellar of the Hermitage. It is the time she starved and witnessed her uncle and aunt’s deterioration and death, and the time she built her “memory palace” of those disappeared paintings in order to hold on to the life. It is the most horrible time in her whole life.

The structure of the book jumps between the Soviet Union and contemporary America, between young, starved Marina and old, eroded Marina, chapter by chapter. This jumping rudely interrupts the reader’s mind and forces them to switch back and forth repeatedly. It is so desperate and cruel that there’s no happiness, no peace and no hope can be felt anywhere whether going back or forward , till the end, till Maria’s death.
這本書的結構是一章戰爭時的蘇聯,忍饑挨鋨的Marina; 一章現代的美國,老年癡呆症越來越惡化的Marina來回交替。這種不斷地跳來跳去粗暴地打斷了讀者的思路,迫使他們也來來回回地跟著變。而最令人絕望和殘忍的是不論是回憶還是現在,沒有一處給人以幸福,寧靜和希望, 直至全書的結尾-Marina的死亡。

The only bright part in the book is that Maria guided a group of students in the Hermitage, pointed to empty frames and vividly explained famous paintings based on her memory and understanding. It was actually based on a true story and is very moving.

This book presses so much pain, suffering and desperation into the reader’s mind but doesn’t give them a tiny chance to release these pressures, maybe it's why I have to write this review. I don’t understand why the book is so overwhelming in its depictions of sadness.

March 21, 2009


謝謝你的講解。是一本好書! -安娜晴天- 給 安娜晴天 發送悄悄話 安娜晴天 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2009 postreply 07:25:28

不用謝,是一本沉重的好書。 -借春天- 給 借春天 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2009 postreply 18:29:57

聽起來是一本深刻的書。我現在是想看又怕看這類的書。不過, -陳默- 給 陳默 發送悄悄話 陳默 的博客首頁 (50 bytes) () 03/22/2009 postreply 13:48:09

才女,去看吧,看完以後再給我們講一遍,我給你做包子! -安娜晴天- 給 安娜晴天 發送悄悄話 安娜晴天 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2009 postreply 14:38:36

別叫才女啦,折煞我也。我正在看《大教堂》,同時在寫 -陳默- 給 陳默 發送悄悄話 陳默 的博客首頁 (54 bytes) () 03/25/2009 postreply 18:27:46

不用謝。我是參加了 BOOK CLUB, 所以不得不讀完。 -借春天- 給 借春天 發送悄悄話 (58 bytes) () 03/22/2009 postreply 18:34:58

參加BOOK CLUB是個好主意。我是自己默默地讀書, -陳默- 給 陳默 發送悄悄話 陳默 的博客首頁 (76 bytes) () 03/25/2009 postreply 18:29:00
