Reading this line brought tears to my eyes. My mentor used to say that God's word, delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit, moves you so profoundly that it shifts the gears of your heart and soul.
Why the Bible?
It reminds me of the story of the six blind men touching an elephant. Each man, feeling a different part of the animal, described it differently: one said it was like a wall, another like a rope, a third like a spear. They argued, each convinced of their truth, unable to see the whole picture.
In my early encounters with the Bible, I was like those blind men. The four Gospels, recounting the life of Jesus from different perspectives, struck me as contradictory. How could God's book be inconsistent? I hastily judged it flawed and dismissed it outright, failing to see how these varied angles enriched the story rather than diminished it.
Ironically, I already understood the value of multi-perspective storytelling. It creates depth and completeness, revealing layers that a single viewpoint cannot. But when it came to the Bible, I forgot this principle entirely. I saw what I wanted to see, not what was truly there.
Life, with its twists and trials, humbled me. In my struggles, I found my way back to the Bible and encountered Jesus. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I’ve been reading the Scriptures for over 30 years. What once seemed like contradictions now feels like the harmony of different voices, each adding depth and authenticity to the divine story.
The six blind men could only grasp fragments of the elephant until they listened to one another. Similarly, the Bible’s diverse perspectives invite us to see the bigger picture—God’s truth from all angles. It isn’t just a book of answers; it’s a journey of discovery, where each perspective reveals more of God’s grace, wisdom, and love.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121: 8
Psalm 121 is a beautiful and comforting passage from the Bible, often referred to as the "Traveler's Psalm" or a "Psalm of Assurance." It expresses trust in God's providence and protection. Here is the full text from the King James Version (KJV):
Psalm 121
- I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
- My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
- He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
- Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
- The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
- The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
- The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
- The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
This psalm is often used for reassurance during times of uncertainty, travel, or difficulty. It reminds us of God's constant vigilance, protection, and care, affirming that He watches over us without rest and preserves us in all circumstances. It’s a timeless expression of faith and hope.
楓葉糖漿0072024-12-09 16:21:13回複悄悄話回複 'Mary888' 的評論 :
這個評論好深刻。看樣子聖經是必讀list 上的下一本。謝謝來訪!
此話差矣,每個人有每個人的人生,瓊瑤的一切造作就是給你這樣的看的,看了後羨慕並信以為真。我們隻是透過現象看本質,感歎一下人生。她有貌的話,就會親自出境演一個什麽角色了吧,有才是真的,嫉妒也學不來。為什麽有後代也成了一個歧視鏈的一環了?許多文章已經告訴你了,她的榮華富貴開始在 60歲,當然也比沒有好。至於按照自己的意願死什麽時候變成一個個人生贏家的因素了?平安自然死應該才是人生至高境界吧? 您再想想吧。