噢,也是我說的 “都是人” 的意思,人有七情六欲,有時在誘惑麵前會抵擋不住,搞藝術的人比常人感性,可能會更容易受誘惑吧,

來源: 天玉之 2023-09-19 08:31:20 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (510 bytes)
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所以,能拒絕其它誘惑,專注的感情,變成了真正的愛情。不排他的感情隻是滿足動物的性欲,像他有許多情人。。。None of the lovers that he has, he didn't care any of them since he didn't care enough if they felt hurt or not. So it is not love, it is carnal desire. In this sense, he did lose his soul. Love fills up and nourish our soul, while pure carnal desires only deplenish it.

Sorry for writing so much : )



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