A black hand
A black hand,
in a black n white photo,
holding a black fountain pen,
writing a song in black ink,
on a sheet of white napkin,
with black roses on its edges.
When I stare at the photo,
the black hand turns around,
and waves at me in its white palm.
This short poem titled "A black hand" is a descriptive and imaginative piece that focuses on a specific image of a hand holding a pen and writing on a napkin. The use of black and white colors throughout the poem creates a strong visual contrast that underscores the significance of the hand and its actions.
The first two lines establish the primary image of the poem, which is a black hand in a black and white photo. The following lines describe the hand's actions and surroundings: it is holding a black fountain pen, writing in black ink on a white napkin, and the napkin has black roses on its edges. The repetition of the words "black" and "white" emphasizes the contrast and creates a sense of unity in the poem.
The final two lines of the poem shift the perspective from the hand to the reader. The speaker notes that when they stare at the photo, the black hand "turns around" and "waves" at them with its white palm. This surprising and surreal image suggests that the hand is alive and aware, breaking the boundary between reality and imagination.
Overall, "A black hand" is a concise and evocative poem that uses strong imagery and contrast to create a vivid and memorable scene. The final lines add a touch of whimsy and wonder, leaving the reader with a sense of curiosity and possibility.
源自一張黑白照,jimmy hendrix 的手,握著筆在餐巾紙上寫歌,在西雅圖的museum of pop culture裏可以看到, 印象很深