chapter 2, 卡在了政治正確的口號,哈哈哈

來源: 顫音 2023-03-06 08:53:34 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1644 bytes)
回答: 繼續比較chatgpt和人顫音2023-03-06 08:28:01

Chapter 2

You got into the car and started driving back to your safehouse. The vaccine had been stolen by a group of extremists who believed that the virus was a government conspiracy. They had no idea of the havoc they were wreaking on the world. You had to stop them before it was too late.

As you drove through the deserted streets, you couldn't help but notice the signs of the pandemic everywhere. Stores were closed, and the few people who were out were wearing masks and keeping a distance from each other. It was like something out of a horror movie.

When you reached your safehouse, you entered the code and went inside. The safehouse was a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, and it was your temporary home until the mission was over. You had everything you needed there, including food, water, and medical supplies.

You went to the computer and logged in. You had received a message from your contact, who had information on the extremists. You read the message and learned that the extremists had planned to release the virus into the water supply. It was a devastating plan, and you had to act fast.

You contacted your team and gave them the new information. They were scattered around the world, but they were all working towards the same goal. Together, you had to stop the extremists and find a way to distribute the vaccine to those who needed it the most.

As you waited for your team to respond, you couldn't help but think about the people who were suffering. The virus had affected everyone, regardless of race or social status. It was a



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