寫得很好:人的肉體,先天動物性多;文明:後天的, 社會性的?

來源: 曉思 2008-04-30 08:46:40 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (12796 bytes)
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WASHINGTON — The hormone that drives male aggression and sexual interest also seems able to boost short term success at finance. But what seems to start out well can turn bad, with elevated testosterone levels over several days possibly leading to irrational risk-taking, according to researchers at the University of Cambridge in England.
"If people want to get practical, it would be good for both banks and the financial system as a whole if we had more women and older men in the markets," said John M. Coates, lead author of a study appearing in this week's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Such a change would produce a much more stable financial system, said Coates, a research fellow in the university's department of physiology, development and neuroscience.
Coates and Joe Herbert studied male financial traders in London, taking saliva samples in the morning and evening. They found that levels of two hormones, testosterone and cortisol, affected traders.
Those with higher levels of testosterone in the morning were more likely to make an unusually big profit that day, the researchers found.
Testosterone, best known as the male sex hormone, affects aggression, confidence and risk-taking.
Cortisol is tied to uncertainty, novelty and unpredictability, "which pretty much describes a trader's life," Coates said in a telephone interview.
Coates and Herbert's study comes less than two weeks after U.S. researchers reported that young men shown erotic pictures were more likely to make a larger financial gamble than if they were shown a picture of something scary, such as a snake, or something neutral, such as a stapler.
Money and women trigger the same brain area in men, those researchers said.
One member of that team, Camelia Kuhnen, an assistant professor at the Kellogg School of Finance at Northwestern University, said Coates and Herbert's findings "are very interesting and they help support the claim that emotion influences financial decisions."
But she cautioned that the findings don't prove a causal link between testosterone and profitability.
Kuhnen, who was not part of Coates and Herbert's team, termed the idea that long-term high testosterone levels can lead to irrational risk-taking "an interesting hypothesis."
Coates said he worked as a Wall Street trader during the dot.com bubble in the 1990s when millions of dollars were invested in new Internet companies, many of which later collapsed.
He said trader behavior he observed didn't make sense in terms of economic or game theory, "everyone seemed to be on a drug."
Even in airport bars the crowd would be ignoring baseball to watch and cheer financial reports on television, Coates said.
That prompted him to begin a study of the behavior, which didn't seem to affect women.
In hormone research there is the "winner model," based on both human and animal activity, in which competitors have rising testosterone levels. When one wins, his hormone levels increase even more, while they fall in the loser.
That can give the winner an advantage in aggression and risk-taking in the next competition, a positive feedback, he explained. But after a while the effect overreaches and the male begins making stupid decisions.
"I wondered if that was what was going on in the financial markets," he said.
The London study indicated that hormone levels in the traders were both responding to financial events and influencing them.
Their conclusion:
"Cortisol is likely, therefore, to rise in a market crash and, by increasing risk aversion, to exaggerate the market's downward movement. Testosterone, on the other hand, is likely to rise in a bubble and, by increasing risk taking, to exaggerate the market's upward movement."
And that, Coates and Herbert wrote, "may help explain why people caught in bubbles and crashes often find it difficult to make rational choices."

Testosterone, best known as the male sex hormone,

affects aggression, confidence and risk-taking.

Cortisol is 皮質醇

皮質醇和睾酮是與運動能力相關的兩種激素.運動時皮質醇、睾酮的變化規律受運動類型、運動強度、運動量、訓練年限、性別和年齡等的影響.一般認為,在運動時皮質醇升高有 ...


1 .通過調節蛋白質、糖和脂肪等物質代謝和水鹽代謝,維持代謝的穩態,為生理活動提供能量。
2 .促進形態的發生及形成,確保機體各個器官與組織的正常發育、成熟和生長,並影響衰老過程。
3 .調節中樞神經係統和自主神經係統的發育,影響學習、記憶和行為。
4 .促進生殖器官和生殖細胞的發育和成熟,調節包括受精、著床、懷孕,以及泌乳等過程。
5 .在機體的內外環境發生劇烈變化,如人體進行劇烈運動時,發揮重要的調節作用,使機體適應運動時的生理需求。
1 .特異性
2 .高效性
激素在血液中的濃度很低,但其效應卻很強,在含量僅為 nmol • L -1 ~pmol • L -1 時,仍然能產生明顯的效應。
3 .無始動作用
4 .允許作用
5 .周期性分泌
1 .含氮激素作用機 - 製 —— 第二信使學說
含氮激素(肽類、蛋白質、胺類激素)首先通過在細胞內生成環腺苷酸( C AMP )而對細胞發生作用,因此 C AMP 是細胞內激素介體。常把激素介體叫做“第二信使”,第一信使是作用於細胞膜受體的激素。
2 .固醇類激素作用機製 -—— 基因表達學說
固醇類激素是脂溶性的,故可以通過細胞膜而進入胞漿。激素 -— 受體複合物經核膜進入細胞核,激活特異的基因並誘導或減少新蛋白質的生成,而完成激素的生理效應。
1 .內分泌係統與神經係統的關係
幾乎所有內分泌腺都直接或間接地受神經係統的支配。腎上腺髓質直接受內髒大神經的交感膽堿能節後纖維支配,釋放兒茶分胺類激素。中樞神經係統的控製表現在目前已肯定的三個軸,即: ( 1 )下丘腦一腺垂體一腎上腺皮質軸;( 2 )下丘腦一腺垂體一甲狀腺軸;( 3 )下丘腦一腺垂體一性腺軸 。
2 .反饋調節(閉環調節)
各內分泌細胞的分泌水平所以能夠保持相對穩定,主要是通過負反饋機製而實現的。當血漿中糖皮質激素過高時,便反饋地抑製下丘腦和腺垂體的分泌,從而減少糖皮質激素的分泌。人們把這種反饋途徑稱為“長反饋”;腺垂體分泌的 ACTH 過多時,也可反饋地抑製下丘腦分泌,這稱為“短反饋”; CRH 達到一定量時,就近的抑製下丘腦分泌細胞的分泌,這稱為“超短反饋”。
1 .快反應類激素
2 .中間反應類激素
3 .慢反應類激素
運動達 30~40 min 時,才達高峰,如生長激素,胰高血糖素,降鈣素和胰島素。

一、 腺垂體激素
腺垂體是提內最重要的內分泌腺。它至少分泌 7 種激素:生長素、促甲狀腺素( TSH )、促腎上腺皮質激素( ACTH )、催乳素、促黑激素( MSH )、卵泡刺激素( FSH )和黃體生成素( LH )。
1 .生長激素( growth hormone , GH )
( 1 ) GH 的生物學作用:促進代謝和生長發育。促進氨基酸進入細胞,促進細胞中 RNA 和 DNA 的合成,從而使蛋白質的合成增加;促進骨骼的生長發育。
( 2 ) GH 對運動的反應和適應:中等強度運動時 GH 水平上升,運動和心理因素是其原因。
2 .催乳素( prolaction , PRL )
在分娩後 PRL 對乳汁合成和分泌過程的作用得以發揮,開始出現高峰。在劇烈運動時, PRL 在血中的濃度升高,其原因被認為是交感神經的激活。
1 .升壓素
2 .催產素
一、甲狀腺激素( thyroid hormone )的生物學作用
1 .甲狀腺激素對代謝的作用
( 1 )生熱作用:甲狀腺素的本質是四碘絡氨酸。促進機體的代謝水平,使組織氧耗量增加。
( 2 )對蛋白質代謝的作用:刺激 DNA 轉錄,加速蛋白質和酶的合成,表現為氮的正平衡。
( 3 )對糖代謝的作用:促進糖的吸收,加速糖原分解,抑製糖原的合成。但同時加速外周組織對糖的利用,有降血糖效應。
( 4 )對脂肪代謝的作用:促進脂肪酸氧化。
2 .對生長發育的作用
一、胰島素( insulin )
1 .胰島素的生物學作用

( 1 )對糖代謝的作用:促進外周組織細胞攝取葡萄糖,增加糖原的合成,降低血糖。

( 2 )對脂肪代謝的作用:增加脂肪酸的合成。

( 3 )對蛋白質代謝作用:促進蛋白質的合成。

2 .胰島素對運動的反應和適應

在遞增負荷運動中,當強度超過 50% 最大吸氧量時,血中胰島素濃度逐漸降低。

二、胰高血糖素( glucagon )

1 .胰高血糖素的生物學作用

( 1 )對代謝:使血糖升高,增加蛋白質的分解,活化脂肪酶,加速脂肪的分解。

( 2 )對心肌:產生正性的變時變力效應,使心輸出量增加,血壓升高。

2 .胰高血糖素對運動的反應和適應


1 . 糖皮質激素的生物學作用

( 1 )對物質代謝的作用:加強糖的異生,升高血糖;促進蛋白質和脂肪的分解。

( 2 )對循環係統的作用:維持正常血壓,降低毛細血管通透性,維持血容量。

( 3 )抗炎症作用:減少滲出,減少白細胞的遊出。

2 .糖皮質激素與應激反應

( 1 )應激的概念:當創傷、感染、劇烈運動等環境變化超出人體所能適應的範圍時,人體除出現各種特異性反應外,還會出現一些非特異性反應予以抵抗,這種現象被稱為應激。

( 2 )糖皮質激素在應激反應中起重要作用,強化非特異性反應。

3 .糖皮質激素對運動的反應和適應

劇烈運動時,糖皮質激素升高。 60% 的運動強度是糖皮質激素濃度升高的強度閾。運動訓練可以降低糖皮質激素對運動的反應。


1 .鹽皮質激素的生物學作用


2 .鹽皮質激素對運動的反應和適應


1 .對代謝的影響


2 .對心肌和平滑肌的作用



兒茶酚胺在機體 應急( emergency ) 時大量釋放入血,作用於各器官,產生一係列生理效應。應急的意義是使機體做好“戰鬥”或“逃避”反應。


運動伴有情緒變化時,兒茶酚胺有升高趨勢。當運動強度大於 60% 最大吸氧量時,兒茶酚胺隨隨運動強度增大而升高。運動中去甲腎上腺素的增高大於腎上腺素。

1 .睾酮的生物學作用

( 1 )對代謝的作用:促進蛋白質的合成,特別是促進骨和肌肉蛋白質的合成,促進血液紅細胞的生成。

( 2 )對生殖係統的作用:促進男雄性副性器官的發育並維持其功能,促進精子的生成。

( 3 )對中樞神經係統的作用:作用與大腦和下丘腦,引起促性腺激素的分泌。

2 .睾酮對運動的反應與適應



1 .肽類神經元與神經肽

肽類神經元( peptidergic neurons )末梢分泌的肽類物質被稱為神經肽( neuropeptide )。

2 .阿片肽的生物學作用


3 .阿片肽對運動的反應和適應



1 .心鈉素及其在體內的分布

心鈉素,也稱心房利鈉因子或心房肽( atrial natriuretic factor or polypeptide,ANF 或 ANP )。它在體內很多器官都有分布,但以心房含量為最高。

2 .心鈉素的生物學作用

(1) 對腎的作用:通過增加腎小球的濾過率,減少腎小管對水的重吸收等途徑產生利尿效應。

(2) 抑製腎素—血管緊張素—醛固酮係統,使該係統物質的含量和物質的活性下降。

(3) 抑製抗利尿激素的釋放。

(4) 對心血管的作用:舒張血管,降低血壓。

3 .心鈉素的分泌調節

(1) 物理因素:細胞外液滲透壓增高,血容量增加,以及低氧血症,均刺激心鈉素釋放。

(2) 體液因素:血管緊張素、生壓素和腎上腺皮質激素促進心鈉素釋放

4 .心鈉素對運動的反應與適應



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