Andrew Yang ends 2020 presidential campaign

來源: 藍調 2020-02-12 12:37:53 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5294 bytes)


1. Andrew Yang ends 2020 presidential campaign 

2. Andrew Yang's run is over, but its significance for Asian Americans will linger, experts say 

Research from the Harvard Business Review showed that Asian American white-collar professionals are the least likely to be promoted from individual contributor roles into management, compared with other races.

“Asian Americans have seen time and again the way society sees them as qualified workers, but not necessarily qualified leaders,” Ocampo said. “That's what's so problematic about the Asian American model minority myth — implicit in it is the idea that Asian Americans will stay in line and not rock the boat too much.”

“Yang running for the highest office in the land breaks barriers in the sense that he wholeheartedly believes in his electability,” he said.

Ocampo also mentioned how Yang’s willingness to share his experiences with being bullied and discriminated against proved particularly powerful in helping young Asian Americans “feel seen.” On a few occasions, Yang revealed he was often beaten up for being the “skinny Asian kid” and said the experience shaped how he interacted with people as an adult.

“I feel like when I was growing up, I always felt like I was the kid left out,” Yang said in an interview. “And you never forget that feeling. And so who's left out in America today?”

Ocampo said that in sharing painful experiences, Yang highlighted “a serious problem about the way Asian Americans in this country — no matter the level of English proficiency or cultural assimilation — are subject to the very painful experience of racism, in schools, in the workplace, in the media.”

“Granted, Yang did elevate a particular type of Asian American story — the idea of the successful immigrant story — but he also did shine a light on the fact that racism is something that continues to affect Asian Americans,” Ocampo said.

