"我不化妝,不買貴的衣服,鞋子" that's me too. "平時買衣服經常在TJMax, marshells,nordstrom racks 之類的店裏買,去商店也大部分隻看打折的" those are my favorite stores and that's how I shop too. So you're not the only one. I like good quality clothes not necessary brand name clothes. I don't think I will ever buy expensive clothes, nothing over $150 for coat, nothing over $100 for other types of cloth. Nothing over $150 for long boots (I only bought one (it's leather and very comfortable Micheal Kors) and don't plan to buy a second one). Nothing over $80 for other shoes. But I always consider myself dress well. So it's not how much you spend it's how well you dress. I'm on your side.