那天帶女兒去dental appointment, 完了在電梯裏我們倆一直聊天, 有個上了年紀的白人, 和我們從電梯裏出來後追上來問我, What's your original heritage? Are you Japanese? 我一邊回答, No, I'm Chinese. 一邊心想, 他怎麽這麽問? 果然, 他接著說,Really? Korean was my second guess. You both were born here? 我說,No, I was not. 他看起來很驚訝地說, You have zero accent。 “Thank you。 ”I said. 他看起來很有興趣想繼續, 我不想多羅嗦, Have a good day!就走了。
以前遇到這樣的人, 總覺得人家這麽說是好意,會多聊幾句。 現在心裏會覺得他們少見多怪,stereotyping. 而且總覺得他們有些white superimist的感覺, Asian women will never been a threat to them. That's why they're more lenient toward us. Republicans are full of people like this. 我們這裏是swing state之一, 最近這根弦繃得比較緊。