好拆, 半天搭起來的, 估計半小時就能拆了

But I of course keep it up so can I take pictures regularly. 

If you want to take this kind of photos, you'll probably have to buy a set of lights. That floorboard is pretty useful too, a nice shiny surface that gives you a reflection. Just those 2, 不是太貴. :)


money is not the issue here -petiteflower- 給 petiteflower 發送悄悄話 petiteflower 的博客首頁 (54 bytes) () 09/13/2012 postreply 21:32:08

Oh yeah that's a bit tougher -ECityBlues- 給 ECityBlues 發送悄悄話 ECityBlues 的博客首頁 (43 bytes) () 09/13/2012 postreply 22:04:38
