嗬嗬,這個標題有點嚇人,其實老夫老妻啦,也算不上約會。上周六在把兩個小的放在外公外婆家後,在我的百般要挾之下,老公和我去了Anthropologie. 計劃是shopping完後,就在附近吃飯。。
穿了這一身出去。那條skinny jeans in dark maroon 是想給瘦狗狗看一下,貼在這裏。。
去Anthropologie的主要目的是要check out Bambooseven's designs. However, I was quite disappointed that this particular store only had one of her designs available, the branched Copper Pullover. I had my eyes more on the Aklim Tunic and the Nanette Asymmetric Dress and was hoping to see if I had a chance with them.. Nevertheless, it beats nothing, and I was happy to try it on...
A close-up..
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It's about dinner time when I was done with shopping.. We picked a nearby Mediterranean resturant..
Mediterranean Platter as our appetizer...
My hu*****and's entree...
.....and mine..
We finished the meal with this desert..
Then it's time to pick up the kids...
對我這種貪吃又愛臭美的人,this was a perfect date :-)..
Have a great weekend!