Eye Miniature or Lovers' eyes 起源於18世紀。眼睛的小畫像,鑲嵌成胸針,手鐲,項鏈,戒指等飾品。 一種說法是因為一個秘密的戀人,不想公開,所以隻把戀人的一部份---最重要的那個感官,戴在身上。眼睛是心靈的窗戶,照見心靈,非常sentimental和romantic的紀念物了。後來也成為夫妻,愛人遠離或死去的紀念物。
菲律賓裔美國畫家Fatima Ronquillo,她的畫非常有趣,人物造型有娃娃感,不乏寓意和想象。許多人物都戴著這樣的eye Miniature。寧靜中有戲劇性---無論是畫中人佩戴的眼睛還是畫中人望著你的眼睛,都像是默劇舞台上的角色,穿越時空,邀請你去解讀一個沒有的腳本的故事。。。。
"These jewel-like paintings intuitively fuse different aesthetic traditions, folk art and old master, with natural grace and an uncanny quality that may be a species of magic." —American Arts Quarterly
Fatima Ronquillo is a self-taught painter whose classically inspired imagery evokes a world of serenity and charm. Her paintings of mysterious personages, often set against pastoral and idyllic landscapes, are accented with an underlying sense of drama and playfulness. These small intimate works invites a respite from the frenetic pace of modern life.
Fatima is an intuitive painter working from a deeply personal visual language and imagination. Hers is an authentic voice that echoes from an inner world where art history meets with nostalgia and imagined characters from literature, theatre and opera.