我打過兩次, 激光去痣對醫生來說是小菜一蝶,建議回國去找大醫院皮膚科專門做激光的


.痣打不打不得掉去決於對痣(Melanocytic Nevus)在什麽地方:

簡單來說痣由melanocyte cells組成.痣根據位置((多深)分為: 1.交界痣,2.混合痣,3.皮內痣.

1.細胞是在表皮和真皮交界處, 是平的,顏色從棕色到黑色.

2. 是1和3的結合.顏色跟1一樣,但稍微突起, 美人痣屬於這種


A good doctor will have the knowledge to evaluate what type of Nevus the patient has first, then decide how deep the laser should go. Sometimes esthetics can be a concern depends on where the nevus is lcoated on the face, such as close to the eye or anywhere on the face that can cause a prominent scar. There is always risk vs benefit when it comes to a medical procedure. 還有打掉後,恢複期傷疤不能直接曬太多太陽否則也會產生色素沉著.


