If you are in union, they normally have so called collective agreement with the company, under which there is normally some limitation about laying off employees. If you do get laid off, there should be severance pay, normally, 1 month basic salary for each year of service. For example, ground handling staff of an airlines normally have this kind of protection.
If you are in management, bad news. You will not be protected. Ther termination notice, etc is purely based on your contract (did u read it again?). There is not necessarily any compensation. However, if you boss is a nice person, he could still pay you some amount (maybe up to 2 months salary?) out of good will.
Hope this helps.
as far as I know..
非常感謝! 怎麽區分Union和Management? 看Job Title還是有工資限額?
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12/09/2009 postreply
it should be clearly listed in the contract, u should know it on
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12/09/2009 postreply
據我所知UNION 裏的人一般都是職位很低的,比如工廠的工人等。
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12/10/2009 postreply
在歐洲, 一般的Manager也是雇員, 也在工會裏, 與資方是對立的
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12/09/2009 postreply