Statement By Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Good morning my fellow Singaporeans

I am deeply saddened to tell you that Mr Lee Kuan Yew passed away peacefully this morning at the Singapore General Hospital.  

Let me say a few words in Malay and Mandarin.


Dengan berat hati dan penuh hiba, saya ingin memberitahu anda bahawa Encik Lee Kuan Yew telah meninggal dunia pagi ini. Encik Lee adalah Perdana Menteri pertama Singapura. Beliau telah mengabdikan dirinya dan seluruh jiwaraganya untuk Singapura. Beliau membangunkan Negara ini dari mula dan berjuang untuk kemerdekaan kita. Kepintarannya mencari jalan keluar dan keberaniannya yang tidak menyerah kalah, menjadi tunggak kejayaan Singapura.

Kita kehilangan seorang tokoh yang telah memimpin kita, menjadi sumber inspirasi kita dan menyatupadukan kita. Walaupun kita berdukacita dengan pemergian Encik Lee, ayuh kita menjunjung dan meraikan semangat, serta sumbangan beliau. Marilah kita teruskan usaha membangunkan Singapura dan memperkukuh masyarakat berbilang bangsa dan agama kita  yang beliau perjuangkan sepanjang hayatnya.

Semoga mendiang Encik Lee tenang bersemadi.


今 天,我們失去了一位敬愛的領袖,建國總理李光耀先生。李先生在我們心目中的地位是無可替代的,他與人民建立了深厚的感情,深受人民的愛戴。在李先生住院期 間,各階層人士通過不同的方式表達了大家的關懷和慰問。這給了李先生和我家人莫大的安慰。我謹代表家屬向大家致以最衷心的感謝。





The first of our founding fathers is no more. He inspired us, gave us courage, kept us together, and brought us here. He fought for our independence, built a nation where there was none, and made us proud to be Singaporeans. We won’t see another man like him.

To many Singaporeans, and indeed others too, Lee Kuan Yew was Singapore. As Prime Minister, he pushed us hard to achieve what had seemed impossible. After he stepped down, he guided his successors with wisdom and tact. In old age, he continued to keep a watchful eye on Singapore. 

Singapore was his abiding passion. He gave of himself, in full measure, to Singapore. As he himself put it towards the end of his life and I quote: “I have spent my life, so much of it, building up this country.  There’s nothing more that I need to do.  At the end of the day, what have I got?  A successful Singapore.  What have I given up?  My life.”

I am grieved beyond words at the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I know that we all feel the same way.  But even as we mourn his passing, let us also honour his spirit. Let us dedicate ourselves as one people to build on his foundations, strive for his ideals, and keep Singapore exceptional and successful for many years to come.

May Mr Lee Kuan Yew rest in peace.

Terima kasih.  謝謝。Thank you.  



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