forward an email

來源: Klao 2013-01-08 17:19:32 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (39682 bytes)


If this email disturbs you, please ignore it. I will delete your email from the list if you tell me the trouble that I caused to you. 


The ones included in the email list are:

1)      My own personal emails(The first and second ones): and

2)      The lawyers that applied VISA for me.

3)      Management of SigmaDesigns: CEO, GM, HR and the thread of my bosses.

4)      All Sigma’s employees that I can think of in Shanghai, USA and Europe.

5)      All the groups in outlook address book.


To summarize the whole story:

On May 2012, I worked for SigmaDesigns in Shanghai. At that time, I found another job offer which asked me to work as an image processing algorithm engineer in Shanghai.  I am very interested in image processing algorithm and I am sure I can work well on it because I am good at signal processing during my Ph.D. student. It is also a good job career for my whole life.


Before I was going to resign, I told the VP of SigmaDesigns that I would stay at SigmaDesigns if SigmaDesigns could transfer me to the header company of SigmaDesigns in USA. The VP promised my L1 VISA to transfer me to American company, so I refused the good job offer in Shanghai to accept the L1 VISA that SigmaDesigns promised.


During the past several months, I refused my offer and made all the preparations for my future life in USA. SigmaDesigns applied L1 VISA for three Shanghai employees I was included. The other 2 got their L1 VISA except me in Nov, but SigmaDesigns put off and then cancelled my VISA without any reason…


I will take further action for what the company did to me.

Anyone that has better ideas or experience about this kind of matter is welcome to discuss with me.


The procedure of the whole matter:




I was working in Sigmadesigns, and got a new offer from a company in Shanghai. The job offered was to work as an image processing algorithm designer. The register time of my new job is August 17.


I told the VP of SigmaDesigns that I was going to resign and I would stay if Sigmadesigns can transfer me to USA to work in the header company of SigmaDesgins. After one day's discussion with the management of Sigmadesigns, the VP told me that to company promised my request and would soon help to prepare related files for INS of USA.


I sent email to VP to ask him to initiate my L1 VISA. The VP sent out email to related managements to arrange my VISA.


Kenny informed  me that Sigma shanghai was now trying to register to INS in order to process L1 VISA. HR mentioned it would need to wait around one month to start our VISA(2 FE colleagues were waiting for the registeration too).


As the registeration time of my new job was appraching, I told the new company that I couldn't work for them and have them cancel my offer. This means that I refused the new offer.


I sent email to Kenny to ask the progress of the registeration and my VISA. At that right time, I heard that 2 Shanghai FE colleagues have already received email from lawyer to ask them to fill forms for their L1 VISA.


Kenny replied my email. He told me that the L1 process could be started, and HR will feedback if they need any information from me.


I sent email to Kenny again to ask further information of my VISA. I also told him that I would prepare related preparation for my wife and daughter.


Kenny told me that the VISA is ongoing and would be ready very soon.


As only Kenny was included in the email loop in August 28, I included Andrew, Kenny, director, VP and HR and sent a new email to ask the status of my VISA. The content of my email is: I learnt that the guys in FE team have received emails to ask them to fill tables to apply L1 VISA from lawyer, but I didn’t receive any email about this. Can you help to check what happened?
Kenny forwarded the email Darshana (HR) Patel to ask detailed information immediately.


As HR didn't reply the email, I replied the email and ask further information again.


Kenny told me the following:
I think Darshana(HR) is not in office these two days.
Please be patient and wait for her news


I replied the email and talked to another HR Ana Pease, and told management that it would result in huge damage to me as I have arranged everything of my family for my transfer. Ana promised to look into the situation and respond back to me.


I didn't get any feedback still, so I replied the email to HR Ana and VP to as follows:
Hi Ana,
Thanks for your help of my VISA. I am really sorry to trouble you with so many questions.
It has been 3 weeks since I raised my doubt with this email, but I didn’t receive any feedback about the status of my VISA. I am really worried about it as I know nothing about this reason so far.
The guys in Shanghai FE team have already received email from lawyer to ask them to fill forms to apply L1 VISA, but I didn’t receive any information about my L1 VISA so far. I am quite confused by this result.

Is it because the procedure of my VISA in our own company(Sigma) is not finished or is it blocked at the lawyer side?
Is it necessary for me to prepare something for the VISA? Is there anything that I can do to accelerate the progress of my VISA?
Why did it take us more than 3 week to check the status of the VISA?


I get email from lawyer to ask me to fill forms.


HR Ana replied my email and told me that they have started the process of your L-1B last week and I should be getting an email very soon.


I asked my wife to resign her job and went back to Hubei province to claim passports for her and my daughter.


Around this period, Shanghai office heard about that the laying off is ongoing in the header company of SigmaDesigns in USA.


Kenny sent me email to inform me:
Sorry to inform you that we have to hold your case due to we are not able to provide good enough information for processing this application.
There is still a possibility to apply in the future, but it ‘s not a right time for you now.
Richard will be in Shanghai tomorrow, You can discuss with him in person,
I am traveling outside this week, I can call you next week if you need.


I received email from lawyer: Jackie Tang( who note me to cancel my VISA.


I received another email from another lawyer: Sarah Chen( who told me the same as what Jeckie told me



Best Regards.

Ardeal Liang

Sent: 2012123日星期一 10:53
To: 'Sarah Chen'; Angela Mapa; Darshana (HR) Patel; Andrew (Taiquan) Lv; Haiying Liu; Kenny Wu; Richard Liang; Mustafa Ozgen; Thinh Tran
Cc: Jackie Tang; 'Christina Guerrero'
Subject: RE: File closure letter: Zhiqiang Liang (#71290)


Dear Bosses in Sigma Designs,


As we all know, 2 Shanghai colleagues have already gone to Milpitas by L1 VISA although I applied L1 VISA with them together. I cannot accept the result of cancelling my VISA and the bad credit of the company, and I will take further action.


I have already told you in another email that it will result in huge damage to me if this VISA is cancelled:


1)      In the beginning, I refused another good job offer in Shanghai to accept the L1 VISA in August. The new job is to work as an image processing algorithm designer which is a absolutely good job for my whole life career, and I am sure I can work for that job in the rest of my life. I will absolutely not refuse that offer if the company didn’t promise my L1 VISA. But now, without any reason, the company cancels my VISA. it is also impossible to get that offer back. What’s more, that company will never accept me anymore because I refused their offer.

2)      Before SigmaDesigns promised my L1 VISA, I have already rented a new apartment that is near to my new company. I have also meant to take my daughter to Shanghai to go to school. But in order to accept the L1 VISA and plan to transfer my daughter to US to go to school, I didn’t book school in Shanghai for my daughter but sent her back to Hubei province to go to school temporarily. Because I missed that chance to have my daughter  go to school in Shanghai, it is impossible for me to have her to go to school in Shanghai now.

3)      I have already asked my daughter and wife to go to another province to claim passport, and their passport  is ready now. My wife meant to have business in Shanghai too. But to accept my L1 VISA chance, she gave up her business and went back to Hubei province.

4)      To the benefit of work, I rented a new apartment near to Sigma's Shanghai again company several days ago and moved to it. During the moving, I have almost gave up all my staff.

5)      I have also informed my parents about my transfer, and they have also made much preparation for me.



Apparently, I was seriously hurt by the company’s bad faith in this process. I do hope the company will take actual measure for this and don't try to pretend nothing happened. I do not hope to take action to hurt both the company and myself. But in order to protect my own benefits, I will absolutely take effective action if it is necessary. Once I take action, it will be late to regret for both of us.


For the reading convenience of everyone, I copied and pasted the file in the lawyer Jackie’s attachment:

Best Regards.

Ardeal Liang


From: Sarah Chen []
Sent: 2012
1130日星期五 6:54
To: Ardeal (Zhiqiang) Liang
Cc: Angela Mapa; Darshana (HR) Patel
Subject: File closure letter: Zhiqiang Liang (#71290)


Attached to this e-mail:

File closure letter



Dear Zhiqiang:


Our office is closing your file.  Please see the attached for your records.


Thank you,

Sarah Chen



Sarah Chen
170 Columbus Avenue, Fourth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94133
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