understanding stats is not an easy job

回答: 世界上最長壽的國家insight7772012-12-26 09:25:32

One should never read stats without analyzing it. Take the US life expectancy of 78. It's correct, but not useful for Chinese HBGs. There is a huge discrepancy between races and people with different social economic status. For example, black males have very low life expectancy. Anyway, Asian females' number is over 90 years in the US! Even asian guys are expected to live to almost 90.

Misunderstanding stats is actually worse than not having the stats.


其實這些統計也說明美國很不錯,其他基本是非白即黃 -jaylang- 給 jaylang 發送悄悄話 (122 bytes) () 12/26/2012 postreply 10:02:39
