1. If someone insults you, pause for a second and look at them and say "Are you okay?"
2. If you think someone is lying, look at their eyes and don't say anything.
3. If you're in an argument, keep your voice calm, it'll give them the impression that you're winning the argument.
4. Good posture increases confidence. Spread your body out and take up more space, it'll lead to increased confidence.
(注4: 可以做小個實驗,錄一個自己的視頻,看看是否認識自己,也許會驚到,當然開美顏濾鏡不算。如果認識,恭喜!)
5. Your eyes dilate when talking to a person you love.
(注5: 帶著愛意注視所愛的人,表達出來善念,很多人不習慣盯著對方的眼睛說話交流,應該成為一種自然而然的習慣。)
6. If you're not following me you're probably never going to see me again. If you are,
congratulations you're growing mentally every day.