圖4 “反看人生,會有不同,相信我。”
為迎接這兩個小家夥,準備了幾樣東西,(一)刷毛器,清理身上鬆散的毛;(二)小巧紫外空氣淨化器,安裝在litter pan附近;(三)“慢食”盤子,它非常適合放軟罐頭食品;(四)兩個高貓塔,兩個小家夥都喜歡爬高上低,在高台上看著窗外。就這樣自由自在,時兒安靜,時兒狂奔,本性釋放。就這樣一點一點地去了解、一點一點地去喜歡,一點一點地改變著什麽。誰說貓咪不會改變,家裏各種電線至今安然無恙…
俺相信,好音樂總在不經意間和人們生活中的點滴感受相互觸碰,欣賞好歌,講述生活裏的平凡故事。最後和朋友們分享韓國第一爵士女伶羅韻萱(Nah Youn Sun) 2022年最新專輯中有一首歌曲《Don’t Get Me Wrong》,不論從歌聲、曲調還是歌詞都非常不錯,如歌裏唱道:“The world has no chance with those who lie and lie.” 曾經半信半疑?還有 “Never forget we are made from love, love”,始終深信不疑?
《Don’t get me wrong》
Don't get me wrong
Don’t Get Me Wrong Lyrics
No matter what the fact is
Whenever the truth is revealed
You don't change your mind, such a shame, oh
I know the rainbow's not real
But you can make real love songs with it
And you believe hatred makes good melodies
Don't get me wrong but you're so wrong
The way you see the world is wrong
Never forget we are made from love, love
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
No matter what the fact is
Whenever the truth is unveiled
You don't change your mind, such a shame, oh
You would say misconception
But nothing can cover up lies
And you'd believe false words have more power
Don't get me wrong but you're so wrong
The way you see the world is wrong
The world has no chance with those who lie and lie
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong
Don't get