啤酒讓人“瘋狂”!— 2022澳洲國際金牌及本土銀牌“拉格”啤酒

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很多人喜歡啤酒,根據釀製方法大概分為兩大類,一種叫艾爾啤酒,高溫釀製(英文Ale),發酵溫度在60-75F,另外一種叫拉格啤酒(英文lager),發酵溫度比較低,在35-45F,歐洲(德國)啤酒屬於此類。艾爾啤酒呈現琥珀色,外觀透亮;泡沫豐富細膩,掛杯持久;香氣豐富, 麥芽香氣、酯香、酒花香氣平衡宜人: 口感細膩, 酒體醇厚, 殺口力強。,網絡知乎這樣介紹,認同評語[1]。自己更喜歡拉格啤酒,因為拉格啤酒酒體純淨、口味清淡


世界最大規模的澳洲啤酒評比已有35年的曆史,在分類慕尼黑風格Munich Style Helles Best European-Style Lager)評比中[2],來自美國維州黑堡小鎮的本土啤酒(Fightin' Hokies Lager, Can Hardywood Park Craft Brewery)獲得銀獎(如圖1)。每次參加澳洲啤酒評比的啤酒多達2500種左右,它們分別來自於420釀製廠家,分布21個國家。同類的金獎中,澳大利亞站三位,另一個來自德國,如圖2(注:圖片來自網絡),其中一金牌得主釀製史可以追溯到公元1040 。六十多位啤酒專業評審專家在盲審中選擇出心儀的啤酒,因此評比具有非常權威性。澳大利亞啤酒看來非常不錯,今後一定留意並嚐試!另外,獲得銀獎的有台灣釀製啤酒(Buckskin Munich Helles, Can Buckskin, Taiwan),以及新加坡的啤酒(Ice Ice Baby, Bottle SevenDazeSingapore)。


今天,讀到啤酒評比獲獎新聞後,迫不及待去附近的Kroger超市買到銀獎啤酒Fightin' Hokies Lager(圖1),沒有發現金獎啤酒。


今年澳洲國際金獎(分類Munich Style Helles )拉格啤酒如下(Australian International Beer Awards 10 - 13 May 2022[2]


1. Albert Lager, Can The Albert Brewery, Tasmania, Australia.

2. Brick Lane Lager, Keg 50L Brick Lane Brewing Co, Victoria, Australia.

3. Sydney Brewery Lager, Keg 10L Sydney Brewery, New South Wales, Australia.

4. Weihenstephaner Original Helles, Bottle Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan, Bavaria, German.


俺的一位來自歐洲的同事其興趣愛好就是自釀製啤酒,第一次見麵,他就送俺半打,第一次品嚐家釀黑啤,非常喜歡。自此以後,如果有選擇,一定非黑啤莫屬,毫不例外! 在一次家庭爬梯上,我告訴這位同事,黑啤有一股濃濃的巧克力味,他說:沒有錯。於是,立刻讓我參觀他的釀製小作坊,並給我展示了一袋來自歐洲的黑麥子,並且簡單介紹了黑啤酒釀製過程。他說:黑啤釀製需要這種黑麥子,才有獨特的巧克力味,這裏當然沒有這種特別地區生長的黑麥。後來,他放棄了這裏的一切,其實,他可以一直待下去,一切都那麽蒸蒸日上,卻義無反顧回到歐洲,也帶走了他的美味黑啤,或許啤酒就是其中的一個原因,愛美人也愛德國啤酒。我們所在地區有當地釀製的黑啤,也許對同事來說,沒有了家鄉清泉的甘甜和巧克力味黑麥,於是,總少了些什麽。然而,俺不同,這裏的啤酒被賦予味的記憶了。如果啤酒也可以讓人瘋狂,相信是真的。


聽一聽這首有些特別火的鄉村歌曲《People are crazy 》(人們瘋掉了),生活有時就這樣意想不到,您又會為誰、為何物瘋狂,哪怕就一次?






鄉村歌曲《People are crazy


This old man and me 

We're at the bar and we 

We're havin' us some beers and 

Swappin' I don't cares 

Talkin' politics 

Blonde and redhead chicks 

Old dogs and new tricks and 

Habits we ain't kicked


We talked about Gods grace 

And all the hell we raised 

Then I heard the old man say


God is great, beer is good 

And people are crazy


He said I fought two wars 

Been married and divorced 

What brings you to Ohio? 

He said, damn if I know 

We talked an hour or two 

About every girl we knew


What all we put 'em through 

Like two old boys will do 

We pondered life and death 

He lit a cigarette


He said, these damn things will kill me yet 

But God is great, beer is good 

And people are crazy


Last call it's 2:00 a.m. 

I said goodbye to him 

I never talked to him again


Then one sunny day 

I saw the old man's face 

Front page obituary 

He was a millionaire he 

He left his fortune to 

Some guy he barely knew 

His kids were mad as hell 

Huh, but me, I'm doing well


And I drop by today 

To just say thanks and pray 

And I left a six-pack right there on his grave 

And I said


God is great, beer is good 

And people are crazy


God is great, beer is good 

And people are crazy


God is great, beer is good 

And people are crazy


Written by: Braddock Bobby, Jones Troy Wayne Jr

Album: Little Bit of Everything

Released: 2008

Lyrics provided by Musixmatch



[1] https://www.zhihu.com/question/21405457?utm_id=0






One of two of the most broad classifications of beer, the other being lager. Ale’s are brewed using top-fermenting yeast which ferments better at warmer temperatures, usually between 60 and 75° F, although ale yeast is sometimes used for some styles at lower temperatures. During the fermentation process the yeast rises to the top surface, releasing a frothy head of foam during the process. That’s why the yeast is called top-fermenting. The higher fermentation temperature also gives the yeast the opportunity to impart esters which can add very unique characteristics to the beer. Fun fact according to Wikipedia, “a number of U.S. states, especially in the western United States, “ale” is the term mandated by state law for any beverage fermented from grain with an alcoholic strength above that which can legally be named ‘beer,’ without regard to the method of fermentation or the yeast used.” That’s why there are beers that are clearly lagers, but they’re labels are marked with the word ale.



The second of two of the more general classifications of beer, along with Ale. Lager beer is brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast. This yeast flocculates to the bottom of the fermentation vessel. Lager is a German term for storage, as beer was lagered in caves at cool temperatures before any sort of refrigeration existed. In other words, lager refers to cold storage. The most important part of the lagering process is the cold fermentation temperatures – between 35° and 45°F – that give lager beer it’s characteristics of being smooth, crisp, clean, and less fruity and spicy due to the production of less phenols and esters during the fermentation process. Many big beers (Bud, Miller, Coors or BMC) are lagers because of their crisp and clean drinkability.


沙發~遛豆腐,回來讀:) -艾唱- 給 艾唱 發送悄悄話 艾唱 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 13:43:15

稍後,請銀獎啤酒:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 13:58:57

謝謝豆青分享.LD喜歡喝啤酒,經常會try 不同種類的啤酒,這個貼和他分享了,他很喜歡。就是不知道我們這裏有賣的沒有:) -艾唱- 給 艾唱 發送悄悄話 艾唱 的博客首頁 (47 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:55:36

隻要嚐試不同品牌啤酒,會找到自己喜歡的一款:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:59:48

好有趣的啤酒貼,黑啤酒如巧克力的味道,這我沒注意,以後細細地品一品 -雲霞姐姐- 給 雲霞姐姐 發送悄悄話 雲霞姐姐 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 13:57:50

常喝啤酒會有啤酒肚嗎?女人最怕,嘻嘻嘻 -雲霞姐姐- 給 雲霞姐姐 發送悄悄話 雲霞姐姐 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 13:58:55

女士喝啤酒,酷! -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:00:32

被那鄉村音樂的故事感動了,百萬富翁把遺產給了不太認識的人,是bar裏兩人特別聊得來的這位嗎?人生得一知己足已!真令人動容 -雲霞姐姐- 給 雲霞姐姐 發送悄悄話 雲霞姐姐 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:02:02

是的故事情節歌曲,普普通通酒吧聊天,成為朋友,很多人喜歡這首歌,一段時間鄉村電台天天放。 -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:14:49

非常不錯的! -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:01:19

喜歡啤酒,好文!喜歡鄉村,好歌! -pandashifu- 給 pandashifu 發送悄悄話 pandashifu 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:25:24

問好!謝謝! -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:31:33

好歌,再配上啤酒,至尊享受! -laopika- 給 laopika 發送悄悄話 laopika 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:54:01

給皮兄上啤酒! -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 14:58:46

沒想到啤酒還有這麽多的說道。隻喝過一口啤酒 不對味:) -杜鵑盛開- 給 杜鵑盛開 發送悄悄話 杜鵑盛開 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 15:16:57

第二口可能會哎,第三口也許會哎,哎不錯的。:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 15:44:42

哈這首歌我也熟悉,一場隨意的聊天就把百萬富翁的遺產聊給了自己,看來獨身老人是有多麽寂寞啊, 怪不得他子女會氣瘋, -移花接木- 給 移花接木 發送悄悄話 移花接木 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:08:53

honky tonk, ice cold beer, country music, redneck life style -移花接木- 給 移花接木 發送悄悄話 移花接木 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:11:00

好一個豆青,原來是個啤酒通啊。炎熱的下午聽著鄉村歌曲,喝著冰啤酒,一股涼爽舒適透氣。 -心雨煙塵- 給 心雨煙塵 發送悄悄話 心雨煙塵 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:18:59

啤酒愛好者,一直尋找最好啤酒,今天偶然讀到新聞,獲獎啤酒就在附近,非常期待它一定不一樣:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:34:36

你這四塊金牌,俺一塊都沒見過也沒喝過耶。原來豆青在澳大利亞啊 -kirn- 給 kirn 發送悄悄話 kirn 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:35:13

俺不在奧洲,很想去看看。本土(美國)一款啤酒獲得銀獎,附近可以買到,有點小激動:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 16:58:35

希望澳洲的朋友能夠說兩句:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 17:02:24

謝謝介紹啤酒種類。下次試試黑啤, 找找巧克力的味道。 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (47 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 17:59:53

黑啤酒一定不會讓人失望的:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 18:43:19

啤酒還真是每個味道不一樣。 -曉青- 給 曉青 發送悄悄話 曉青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 18:26:10

是的,曾經懷疑“好啤酒”是習慣使然,後來,好像又覺得不完全是。獲獎啤酒一定有其道理:) -豆青- 給 豆青 發送悄悄話 豆青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2022 postreply 18:45:32



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