螞蟻本能的愛 每隻螞蟻抱個小寵物倉皇出逃

有一天,不知怎麽把螞蟻帶進了屋,過了幾天切開的西瓜放桌上後,螞蟻分兩路大軍浩浩蕩蕩地爬上了桌,看見後渾身起JPGD,然後去home depot買了殺螞蟻的藥,聽說螞蟻不喜醋,於是用醋擦桌,後來螞蟻沒再進來過。




Ants live in soil, and some ants live in wood or plant cavities. The ant is hunted by many species including lizards, spiders, toads, assassin bugs, bird, bats and even people. When the ants are larvae, they will have a white appearance and look worm-like without any appendages. They need to grow older before they take on the brown or black color that most people are used to seeing. Most of the male ants in the species will have tiny heads and large eyes. These males will die soon after they mate. All worker ants are females, and the queen is also female.

Many people are unaware of the social behaviors that ants have. Ants take care of their young by washing them, feeding them, sharing with them and communicating with them. Ants warn one another of danger and tell one another where food can be found. They have a primarily positive impact on the Earth's ecosystem because they consume seeds and then disperse them. They also help to aerate soil much like earthworms. However, ants can have negative impacts for human farm crops, and can become pests if they get indoors.
