一年的最後一個工作日,skip Gym,一早跑到公司滅火。
cubicle的桌上,放著一張賀卡,一打開jingle bells 音樂就響了起來,突然忍不住想哭的感動。J在賀卡裏這麽寫的:
"It has been a pleasure to work with you.....blah, blah, blah.
...I appreicate your sense of humor...blah,blah,blah
...... I always give you a hard time...have a fun trip...blah,blah,blah
.....Merry Christmas and see you after the new year"
On the other side, J wrote
"I know what Christmas songs make you feel"
在實驗室裏,坐在椅子上累的喘不過氣來,J就開始得不得,得不得,老婆,兒子,band,parents meeting... 他就像home improvement 裏的 Tim Allen, 字裏行間說不盡的幽默,有therapeutic effect.
到實驗室,trouble shooting 完,和J一起testing,想起去年竟然竟然瘋了一樣一天工作16個小時,隻因為他的一句話,突然一陣鼻酸,操控儀器的速度老是跟不上Jrecord data的速度。What's wrong? J問我。
"nothing, don't you love this season? seeing Christmas light, hearing Christmas songs, that just makes me happy"
J馬上移到電腦邊,開始放起online的radio station。
Christmas songs 響起,我開始隨樂搖頭晃腦,樂起來。
J抱著頭,一臉痛苦扭曲,"This song is killing me, I can't stand it, I can't stand it"
J猛地回頭瞪了我一眼,我舉起雙手,擺了擺,得意說道,你看不到的,我比你動作快。J點點頭,"Christmas songs do make you concentrate better"
"yup, all I need is a dose of high from Chirstmas songs to cheer me up" 我答到。
在電腦邊,J跑過來問我到底怎麽了,一臉霧水,我問:what do you mean?
"Who is your boss? Who approved it? Who give the autherization to prove it? I got to tell him to un approve it, you can't leave me alone working on the project. What will I do if I get stuck and you are not here...."
"oh, you told everyone but me? you hurt my feelings"
這才恍然明白y原來J在捉弄我,"I didn't know you have feelings"
兩天前,把最進係統測量數據拿給R看,R把大老板拉了進來,非常高興的介紹新的係統設計感念測試成功了。今天最後離開的時候,跑到R的cubicle跟他道別,我把手伸向他的時候,他從椅子上站起來,對旁邊的program manager說,"I need to hug this girl for her hard work and achievement"
在我冬眠夢裏,曾夢見一個年輕的男子拿了一個AM hand radio,那是個救命的通訊儀器。後來我才意識到,R每次周末加班的時候,都帶一個AM hand radio。十分感謝他帶領我學習新的係統領域,讓我的大腦在人生艱難的痛苦日子裏找到生存空間,好好冬眠,Working with R kept my mind occupied with learning new knowledge and kept my mind stimulated with technical challenges. 讓我在工作的環境子中淡忘我必須淡忘的人和事。。。。。。。。。。