下樓撞到H,他問我,what r u up to? Pointing to the women's room, I replied: going to the restroom 我跟J講,這些天最喜歡發呆,討厭思考 J說,it is my job not to think,do what u tells me to do坐著試驗室,test多加了一到工序,J哈哈笑我終於比他多動一下手了,the table has turned around, 不然老是坐著發呆吆喝他幹活
N說it is good to see u laughing.
我說, u don't know, J is complaining I don't do any work in the lab
J說,just because I'm accusing you are sitting around all day long, does not mean I'm saying you are not doing any work