
來源: 曲線救國 2012-07-23 20:06:39 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2209 bytes)
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A man visiting from China patted one child’s buttocks and grabbed another’s at the Mt. Lebanon pool Thursday, Mt. Lebanon police said.

Police charged Wang, 58, with two counts of indecent assault. Wang has been visiting relatives in Mt. Lebanon for the past week, police Lt. Aaron Lauth said.

“It’s something that can happen anywhere, that’s the bottom line,” said David Donnellan, Mt. Lebanon director of recreation. “Our pool is very safe. We feel safe with our kids here. There are very few incidents like this would ever happen.”

Wearing a black Speedo, police said Wang swam up to a boy, 13, while he was treading water about 4:40 p.m. near the edge of the pool and patted his buttocks, according to a criminal complaint filed against Wang.

Wang patted him again while the boy climbed out of the pool, police said.

The boy’s sister, 8, said Wang then swam over to the opposite end of the pool and patted and squeezed her buttocks, Lauth said.

Both children immediately told lifeguards, who asked Wang to get out of the pool and called police, Lauth said.

Donnellan said he heard some comments from parents, but believes most understand that this is not the norm for the pool.

“You don’t know what people are going to do,” he said. “You supervise activities closely and handle emergencies as best as you can.”

Police officers used a translator service to interview Wang, who did not speak English.

District Judge Ronald Costa arraigned Wang after his arrest and set a $100,000 bail. He is being held at Allegheny County Jail, where he will undergo a behavioral evaluation, police said.



That's creepy. -sweetbug- 給 sweetbug 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 10:01:12

可惜!這是中國有的地方的習慣!僅僅是逗小孩特別是憨糊糊的小胖墩一種舉動。並無任何惡意。 -PACSQC- 給 PACSQC 發送悄悄話 (182 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 13:10:22

哦, 是這樣嗎?對陌生的孩子也會這樣?看來是我孤陋寡聞了。 -sweetbug- 給 sweetbug 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 13:51:32

傻老王~ -把酒話桑麻- 給 把酒話桑麻 發送悄悄話 把酒話桑麻 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 17:49:59

我覺得他有問題,不認識的孩子,孩子也都不小了,還有女孩子,能隨便碰人家PG?! -fpxjz- 給 fpxjz 發送悄悄話 fpxjz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 17:53:08

和我意見一致。 -星星- 給 星星 發送悄悄話 星星 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 17:54:30

你的意見? -曲線救國- 給 曲線救國 發送悄悄話 曲線救國 的博客首頁 (55 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 17:57:30

老王真有問題,在中國也不隨便捏陌生人屁屁呀。該抓。 -星星- 給 星星 發送悄悄話 星星 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 18:01:54



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