
本文內容已被 [ 記得曉蘋初見 ] 在 2010-09-28 08:04:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

我喜歡印象派,前兩個月剛去看了印象畫展,莫奈,馬奈的真跡,Eugene Poittevin還有英國早期水彩印象派的richard Bonington,喜歡極了。還抄了一些介紹,覺得文字也很美:

All the clouds with their fantastic and luminous forms, these ferments of gloom, the immensities of green and pink, suspended and added one upon another, these aping furnaces; these firmaments of black or purple satin, crumpled, rolled or torn these horizons in mourning, or streaming with molten metal -in short, all these depths and all these splendors rose to my brain like a heady drink or like the eloquence of opium.

