If you are in a relationship, you may want to check whether your relationship is healthy based on the following indicators.
Good Self-esteem:
Both of us like ourselves and do not need each other's unconditional love to survive.
Both of us believe in ourselves enough to be able to accept that we can disagree without fear.
Individual freedom:
I feel as though I am a part of my partner and I am also an individual who is separate from my partner.
Both of us are able to be ourselves, even if the other one doesn't like what we do.
We can tell each other exactly how we feel about things without fear or intimidation.
Trust & Intimacy:
Both of us are able to be close with the other, even when we might be feeling weak and vulnerable, without fear or rejection.
Both of us feel equal and appreciated for the unique qualities we bring to the relationship.
We are able to admit our mistakes openly and freely to each other without the fear of being put down.
Ability to risk:
We are able to grow and develop as individual people, even thought it may risk the relationship.
We are able to ask for what we want, even though we may not get it.
We are committed to the relationship without fearing the loss of ourselves and our individual freedom.
Mutual give and take:
Both of us feel we can give and receive.
We accept that we are not responsible for what the other thinks and feels.
Both of us can be flexible to take on various roles and responsibilities, such as cooking, cleaning, etc...
We can accept that we are not perfect.
Friendship with others:
Both of us are able to develop friendships with other people, with the opposite sex, without becoming jealous.
Both of us can have different interests, hobbies, and activities and support each other to have them.