fall in love with someone, nothing to do with moral code....

來源: tightrope 2010-04-23 19:00:53 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1065 bytes)
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回答: 你是個不折不扣的壞女人.鐵塔哥2010-04-21 21:36:43
ask yourself, do you really love your colleague , or just enjoy the fact that someone admire you? you can get a divorce only if you & your hu*****and have both tried marriage consultant ...and if still failed.then it's time to end your marriage... it's two different thing.. rent a movie if you got netflix"bricklane" .. if you really don't love your hu*****and anymore, then get a divorce... but don't count on your colleague getting a divorce. he might not ...get adivorce means you free yourself away from the loveless & painful marriagelife.

just remember, it's totally different issue. you do have a right to fall in love with someone else, "moral code" doesn't play a key role to make you fall for someone. just prepare the consequence. you can live free again without trap in a unhappy marriage, but doesn't mean you and your colleague will have a happy ending... anf if you do love each other( colleague) , there is nothing wrong he got a divorce,too. well, he need to gaive hald of his propery to his non-working wife, and child support.


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