
來源: hjs2010 2010-02-24 15:47:07 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (683 bytes)
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I totally understand your story.

I think your hu*****and needs regular exercise, which should be a little bit extensive. Making money to support the family is importand but there is somthing money can not buy.

If exercise still does not help him in bed, he needs to see the doctor for professional help. Otherwise your marriage will suffer a lot, especailly you.

You may have read my post below. The girl i am in love with did not have any climax with her hu*****and in 3 years until she met me. I still remember that she could not walk properly after we did it and she also cried. She said she is still young and should have the right to enjoy the happiness.



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