Everyone can think about someone other than their spouse once in

本文內容已被 [ twodiamondmom ] 在 2010-09-28 08:04:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

but I think you are doing a little too much. The girl was never that interested in you. Time to move on.

I think you are living in your own fantasy. He is probably unsatisfied with his marriage at this time, therefore he fantasizes about an alternative. Were you thinking about her this much when you decided to marry your wife?

If I were your wife, and I were as "smart" as everyone else here seems to think, I would just let you go. What use is it to have a hu*****and whose heart is elsewhere and who thinks he is in this marriage because he was tricked? If my first BF still pines after me after all those years, especially after we both have our own families, I would be glad that we did not end up together, for obviously he has no repect for the sanctity of marriage or family.
