來源: 平凡男人 2009-09-18 21:51:52 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2663 bytes)
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We always wish something in our life, Whether it is health, money, power, fame, happiness ,peace of mind or just a positive attitude. We always have different hopes in our mind. But the reality is life does not work the way we hope. Why all this hopes or good ideas not works?

Both good and bad things are the offspring of thought. We are living daily in the midst of all manner of thought impulse, Hope is just one of these thought impulse, it is very easy for inner voice of hope to be drowned out by hundreds of other thought impulses. It is very easy to draw our attention away from what we hope.

Hope is a positive emotion , what we hope is a positive idea, but at the same time we also have hundreds of negative emotion and ideas. These negative ones seep into our mind voluntarily, it is part of human nature that we generate negative idea so easily and naturally at the first time when they are trigged, On the other side. positive idea and emotion like hope must be injected actively into our mind.

It take no effort for our mind to be hold by negative ideas , they just hang there as how long as they want . it take no persistence of will power for negative ones to root deeply in our subconscious mind, that mysterious source which never sleep ,which make us act in ways we are not conscious. All negative thoughts can serve as stimuli to our subconscious mind and make our heart get accustomed to generate negative ones or form a negative habit. When negative emotions become dominating forces in our mind, they may have a “magnetic” force which attracts other similar or related thoughts. Eventually negative ideas will transmute into their physical equivalent----negative results.

However , it take effort to plant a positive idea like hope into our heart. It take further great effort to nurse a hope from a seed to grow into a big tree.

The hope never work unless you can work yourself into a white heat of desire for it and actually believe you will achieve it.

The hope never work unless you design a organized realistic plan and put into action right away and back this action by desire ,faith and persistence until it become physical equivalent .

If we want to be master of our fate, captain of our soul. If we want to achieve the definite hope in our life which we want most , we need use our oar to propel ourselves over into the other side of the stream not just drift alone.

Life’s battle don’t always go to the stronger or positive one, But soon or late the one who wins is the one who think he can , the one who act now. the one who never quits.


不就一句話說那麽長:有誌者,事竟成! 精誠所至,金石為開! -sillycool- 給 sillycool 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 22:17:02

還是中文偉大! -平凡男人- 給 平凡男人 發送悄悄話 平凡男人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 23:29:30

我們這裏反對勵誌,提倡情愛! 認為情愛就是生活目的。 -阿裏- 給 阿裏 發送悄悄話 阿裏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 22:30:14

有一種蜜蜂,愛完就上天堂。我們就以他們為榜樣。 -阿裏- 給 阿裏 發送悄悄話 阿裏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 22:33:20

從沒反對阿裏情愛,但不提倡阿裏愛完就上天堂 -平凡男人- 給 平凡男人 發送悄悄話 平凡男人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 23:07:54

好像工蜂那樣。學習其精神。這裏女生誰最好? -阿裏- 給 阿裏 發送悄悄話 阿裏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 23:12:53

你英語溜,打字快,就不簡了。我打字慢,隻好少寫或寫詩。 -阿裏- 給 阿裏 發送悄悄話 阿裏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 23:14:35



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