回複:象我這樣的遍地都是 至少我的朋友裏看看都不大拜金的

來源: MyID89 2009-05-21 08:23:55 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (567 bytes)
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回答: 你不就是一位嗎?還說難找。高出不勝寒2009-05-20 12:43:10
Have some thinking about 拜金. As a young girl, I hated those 拜金的. So I decide to against Money, married a poor guy! Parents were disapproved my marriage, but I did not care.........

20 years now, I realize that my life is so hard without enough money. Always worried about no money, and now I am the only one who is working to support my family. I have to work so hard, and that cause my health declining......

Young girls, I really hope that I was a little 拜金 at my young years. At least you have to realize that MONEY is important in your life.


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