女神 Goddess, Arctic Fox 白 狐

來源: 家中生活 2009-05-17 14:39:16 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4270 bytes)
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No wonder she becomes our beloved Goddess figure.

千年修行 千年孤獨
夜深人靜時 可有人聽見我在哭
燈火闌珊處 可有人看見我跳舞 

I am, practicing for a thousand of years, a fox.
A thousand years of practicing, accompanys a thousand years of loneliness.
In darkness, and in quiet night, has someone heard me crying?
Between lamp lights' on & off, has someone seen me dancing?

千年等待 千年孤獨
滾滾紅塵裏 誰又種下了愛的蠱
茫茫人海中 誰又喝下了愛的毒

I am a fox waiting for a thousand years.
A thousand years of waiting, accompanys a thousand years of loneliness.
In rounding rounding of red dust, who has again planted a Love's trapping?
In endless ocean of people, who has again drunk the poison of love?

我愛你時 你正一貧如洗寒窗苦讀
離開你時 你正金榜題名洞房花燭

 While I was in love with you, you were pennyless and study hard.
As I left, you were having name on the Golden Plate and getting married.


Could I or not, for you, dance one more dance? 
I'm your, born a thousand years ago, Arctic Fox. 

你看衣袂飄飄 衣袂飄飄

You look, the cloth flying, and cloth flying.
Vow facing the ocean, oath in the mountain, have all gone into void.

你看衣袂飄飄 衣袂飄飄

Could I or not, for you, dance one more dance? 
Only for, while you are quickly leaving, that last looking back at me.
You look, my cloth  flying, flying of my cloth. 
Oaths of ours, as "heaven is forever, earth is eternal", are all becoming void.

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    回複:女神 Goddess, Arctic Fox 白 狐 -tlzy888- 給 tlzy888 發送悄悄話 tlzy888 的博客首頁 (98 bytes) () 05/17/2009 postreply 19:36:23

    好漂亮的北極狐, -AnaZhang- 給 AnaZhang 發送悄悄話 AnaZhang 的博客首頁 (34 bytes) () 05/17/2009 postreply 20:39:27



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